Oblivious to the fact

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(Y/N) didn't like the fact that Parkinson was flirting with Draco. The way her hands would rub against his arm, the way her lips would remain slightly puckered. The way she would give him the most innocent of looks, although her intentions were everything but that. Perhaps he wasn't too smart picking up emotions, but she felt like it was her goal to make him hers. To prove it to all the others that she had a heart of her own; however deep it was beneath her flesh. Eyes bloodshot, she stormed towards them, jaw clenched.

"Ah, fuck off, Parkinson," she hissed. "It's so obvious he isn't interested in you, and neither is he interested in your pug-face, you bitch."

Reluctant, she cowered away, nodding. Everyone was scared of (Y/N). They knew messing with her would cause a lot of trouble, so mostly everybody smartly avoided looking into her eyes. On bad days, even one glance into her eyes would agitate her and literally make her explode. Her cheeks would go red, her eyes dark and her voice loud and high-pitched (something that usually happened when she was accused of something.) At least once a week she would walk into the classroom with a mood, and usually because she caught Draco having a regular conversation with another girl. She had no friends, none from any of the houses. Everyone was against her. Everyone but Draco.

He rolled his eyes at her, lip pushed forward as he crossed his arms. "Why did you do that?" Draco asked, his tone directed towards her childish actions.

She covered her chest, slightly hurt from his tone. "What, you liked it?"

His pout disappeared as he smirked to himself, eyes glinting. "Yeah, I do. She's cute."

Cute? Pansy Parkinson? She laughed bitterly. It must be a phase; one he would definitely get over. "Pft, she looks like a pug. If you think she's cute, go fuck a dog."

Draco scoffed, eyes rolling into hers. He leaned closer to her, his next words playful. "Are you suggesting me to fuck you?"

You to... fuck me? (Y/N) thought. Her heart blushed at the thought. God.

Her typical reproach would be 'I'm not a mirror' but this was Draco she was talking to. "I'm not a dog. If I was, that'll mean Parkinson would be a fucking hippo."

Draco's frown cracked into a wide smile as he chuckled. "Damn, (Y/N), you're too good."

She raised her head triumphantly. "Yeah, I am."

"Now that she's apparently a hippo, and I wouldn't want to sit next to one, I have a free seat next to me in Divination class. Would you want to take it?"

OF COURSE, she wanted to yell at him.

Heart pounding against her ribs, she said, "why not?"

He smirked at her, the very smirk that melted her insides. "Or would you rather sit next to Potter?"

She smacked him in the arm, missing the feeling he made her feel. "I don't have a crush on him!"

"You so do!" Draco replied, teasingly. Although the idea of the most ferocious girl in the school having a crush on the golden boy was impossible. Although he didn't want that to happen.

Frowning, she crossed her arms and angled her body away from him, fuming. "Say that again and I will sit next to him!"

He clicked his tongue. "Okay, I'm sorry."

(Y/N) huffed, suppressing a smile. She exaggerated a pout, huffing.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). Please forgive me?" Draco repeated.

She spun around and nudged him, grinning. "You're too gullible. Why would I get mad at you?"

He returned her grin. "I'll see you then."


He walked away, leaving her standing alone.

(Y/N) sighed. When was he going to figure out that she loved him?

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