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I apologise for updating after so long, but enjoy!!!

The horrendous sound of a child crying woke (Y/N) up. She turned to her side, saw that her husband was still asleep. She let loose an exasperated groan, sitting up and slowly getting off the bed.

It was Draco's turn to take the nightshift, but she didn't want to disturb him from his sleep. Creeping out of the room, she entered the next one, shushing Scorpius as she made her way over to him.

"Shhh, my baby," she whispered, taking him out of his crib and into her arms. He cried into her chest as she stroked his forehead.

Relaxing, the baby slowly calmed down, his cries muffled into sniffles and soft moans of exhaustion.

(Y/N) herself felt her own sleep fade away as Scorpius fell into a light sleep.

She put him back into his crib, kissing his forehead before exiting the room. She approached her own bed, slipping under the quilt.

He owes me, she thought to herself, closing her eyes and drifting into a state where she was half asleep. She could still hear her husband's slight snores, and she could still hear the creaks the wooden floorboard made, but it was all faint and distant- then visions of Voldemort's gave engulfed her, reminding her of the war that they barely grasped victory from.

When she woke up, her hands were sweating. It was early morning, and the space next to her was empty. She turned, grasping the crinkled bed sheet. She sat up, knowing that Draco would either be tending to Scorpius or be occupied in one of the thousands of books in the library they kept in one of their biggest rooms. (Y/N) slipped her legs off the bed, pushing herself up as she walked towards the door. She was stumbling, her mind still spinning from Voldemort's hideous cackles and Harry's lifeless corpse. Exhaling a breath, she peered into Scorpius's room, catching a glimpse of her son sleeping peacefully in his crib. She stood at the doorframe, smiling over at him, so grateful that she had started a family knowing that her son would not have to grow up being forced to become something he would rather not. She didn't have the experience of that, but Draco experienced it first hand, and she knew the damage it had done to him. He was mentally disabled for almost a year, or perhaps even more. She was lucky that she was able to help him, because if she wasn't there, (Y/N) wasn't too sure that he would be so cheerful now. The dark lord had caused him an excruciating amount of pain, and she would have never allowed Scorpius to feel the same.

"(Y/N), darling, are you doing alright?" The question snapped her out of her trance. She looked to her side to see Draco- he was in a fine black jacket, fancied up for nothing in particular. He had a book in one hand, the words on the book being along the words of Shakespeare.

(Y/N) looked at her husband, then smiled at him lovingly. "I'm fine, Draco. I was just... I just got lost in my thoughts." She walked towards him, fixing up his collar. Smirking, she whispered, "you owe me," she grinned. "Scorpius woke up last night, and you were peacefully asleep so-"

He chuckled, interrupting her with a quick kiss. "Okay, I owe you."

"What's gotten you so fancied up?" (Y/N) asked, gesturing to his clothing. "You're not going out for any occasion, are you? If you are, then I have to call for a babysitter because Hermione-"

"There's no need for that," he intervenes, cupping her cheek. His finger grazes her temple as he put a loose lock of y/h/c behind her ear. "We're actually coming with you. Weas- Ron suggested that I come along, with our son. I think Gr- Hermione.. didn't send a direct invite because Potter would be there and we haven't exactly ended our rivalry."

(Y/N) smiled at his attempt of warming up to them. It seemed like he'd easily become friends with Hermione and Ron, but Harry would be a problem.

Well, even if he takes baby steps, he's at least moving.

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