Eternal Gratitude

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I feel like I've recently been portraying Pansy as such as a bitch, and I wanted to change that. This imagine is more related to (Y/N)'s and Pansy's friendship, but don't worry, you still get with Draco ;).


Year 2:

"(Y/N), I insist!" Pansy continues, shaking her arm. "Please, tell me who it is!"

(Y/N) smirked, enjoying the torture she was giving her best friend. She know that once she mentioned it, the girl wouldn't stop bugging her about it.

(Y/N) had decided to tell her best friend that she had a crush on someone. She knew that it was cheesy (they were both in their second years, and you could say that having a crush was something rather discussable.) She knew that she could trust Pansy, as she's the kindest person she has ever met. Besides, aren't best friends meant to gossip and giggle over the same boys, even if only one of them liked the boy?

When Pansy found out, her expression was a sight to see. She has gasped, like if her breath was sucked out of her throat. Her eyes has grown twice their original size, and after the procession, she had squealed. Squealed until she couldn't anymore. She repeatedly asked who, who, who while (Y/N) proceeded to give her the silent treatment.

Today she believed that maybe it's time for Pansy to learn who it is.

"Please, (Y/N), please tell me! I promise I won't tell anyone! I promise I'll keep it a secret!"

(Y/N) laughed, hugging her. "Don't worry, because I don't want you to keep it a secret."

Pansy's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, wait, wait, you would WANT me to tell him? Whoever he is?"

She shrugged. "Yeah, but like, you'd be my wingman. I mean, wingwoman, heh."

Parkinson made a fake face and gently shoved her friend. "Yeah, I'm not a boy! Imagine me being half male, half female. That would be absurd."

(Y/N) giggled. "You're changing the topic like you don't want to know who he is."

Pansy bit her lip, nodding at her, gesturing for her to continue.

"Okay, you have to guess."

Pansy groaned. "Are you serious!"

She chuckled, shushing her. "Don't worry, I'll make it easy. I'll describe him and you'll know instantly!"

"Okay, but if he's not a Slytherin, I don't know what I'd do to you."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "Yeah, he is, but his house doesn't matter. Anyways, he has like, the best blue eyes in the world. And he looks like a baby, though, due to his cheeks. But he's very cute and rather dashing. He has blond hair that he gels back—"

Pansy squealed, raising her hand to guess.

"Let me continue. So he's like Harry Potter's biggest enemy, and he's his father's boy. Let me repeat one of his famous sayings: my father will hear about this!"

Pansy literally died from squealing. She kept screaming his name, tickling (Y/N)'s stomach, laughing when she blushed.




"What do you mean!"

"I thought you said he's unlikeable!"

"He's loveable!"


"Do you think he likes me!"

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