Beneath the façade

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Hello! Just a heads up that (Y/N/N) means your nickname! Enjoy!

(Y/N) was one year younger than the golden trio. She was Ginny's best friend and was like a younger sister to both Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.

She hung out with the trio more than Ginny did herself, so when it came to the good memories, she sure was left out. But it also came to the bad, in which Ginny had rarely associated herself in.

And those bad memories usually always mentioned Hogwarts's biggest bully— Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince. The platinum blond boy all female Slytherins would die to belong to. The Malfoy most students loathe.

Some people pondered as to how could a Ravenclaw fourth year ever be able to befriend the most famous Gryffindors who were a year above her. How? How was that possible?

Well, some things don't have to make sense. (It did make sense, actually, but some people just don't use their logic.)

(Y/N) was at the library, at the same spot Ginny asked her to meet up at. While waiting, she was casually flicking through one of the books she found lying on the shelf. It was about Muggles and how they live their lives; it was an interesting subject to learn about as she never had enough knowledge about it. As she was a Pureblood, it was unnecessary (apparently) for her to learn about Muggle Studies (her parents supported the idea of wizards and witches being Pureblood only as they are the only ones worthy of learning magic. Although, the idea was rather controversial in her opinion as the Pureblood-being-the-only-one-worthy-of-learning-magic had some sense to it but take a look at Hermione Granger, being the brightest witch in her year despite her being a Muggle.

While having all those thoughts race through her head, Ginny had slipped right next to her, snatched the book out of her hands and had closed it with a loud thud.

Despite the phrase being "she's a heavy sleeper," it was rather "she's a heavy daydreamer" instead.

"(Y/N), my friend," the redhead whispered.

(Y/N) didn't flinch.

She deepened her voice, leaned her mouth towards her ear and whispered, "I haven't told my sister this but I have a crush on you."

Jerking her head back, she exhaled a gasp, shocked. "What!"

Ginny laughed, shaking her best friend. "It works every time! You so, so, so have a crush on Ron!"

"No, I don't!" (Y/N) argued, shaking her head. "I don't have a crush on anyone.. besides, if I have a crush on Ron, you have a crush on Hermione!"

Ginny blinked. "What!? Impossible."

"See? As impossible as me liking Ron—"

"From how much you're defending yourself and insulting my brother clearly proves that you like my brother very much."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "I think I would have preferred being lost in my thoughts than be listening to your crap."

"Crap that you know is true."

"Crap that you know is fake."

"Anyways," Ginny changed the topic, knowing that it would be wise not to associate herself in a debate with (Y/N). That girl could argue about something for hours, and that is why she was Malfoy's second biggest enemy. And, surely, she'd soon be first, since he was picking on her a lot. At least once a day they'd gather a crowd due to their quarrels, their arguments being about the same pointless things. It was normally about reputation and family, and sometimes drove to useless debates about worth and how many people you attract.

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