"Don't tell your sister."

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"The Malfoys have invited us over to dinner," your mother told you in the morning. You looked up, feeling a spark of excitement rush up within you.

"Have they now?" You asked with a sly smile, imagining Draco's face. He definitely is the one who brought up the idea. He would do anything and everything to see you again. At least, that's what he said in the letters you two secretly exchanged every week.

Even if he was married to your sister, Astoria, Draco could never love her like he loves you. You were one of a kind; and better in every way. Perfect.

"Yes," your mother nodded. She gave you a smile. "It'll be wonderful to see Astoria again. Perhaps they have someone in mind for you to marry."

You laughed, waving her off dismissively. "I don't need to get married. I'll stay single."

Single and fucking my sister's husband, you thought to yourself. You snickered at the thought.

Your mother sighed, laughing before adding, "whatever you say, darling. Be ready by four."

"Sure," you stood up. "I'll be ready by four."

By four, you were ready. Makeup, a dress, hair styled. You wore a black dress, which fell to your knees. It had a v-neck, and with some adjustment, could show more of your body. This was Draco's second favorite dress; the first one was too short and flashy, and your mother would scold you for being so bold. If needed, he could just take the dress off you.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. Draco would always tell you how wonderful dresses looked on you; fitting your body perfectly, making you look sexier than usual. It made you feel good about yourself. It made you want to wear dresses more often. If you were married to him, you would wear a dress everyday, just for him.

"Beautiful," your mother said, patting your cheek.

Your father entered the room, wearing a suit and tie. He smiled at you affectionately, raising his hand to ruffle your hair.

You pushed his arm away, laughing. "Not the hair, dad!"

He grinned. "My bad, (Y/N). Forgot."

Your other sister, Daphne, joined the group. She was wearing a silver dress, the same length as yours.

She took your arm, nudging your hip. "Nice dress!"

Although it sounded better when Draco said it, you smiled. "Thanks." You nudged her hip back with yours. "Your dress is nice too."

The four of you then began to make your way to the Malfoy Manor, all excited to see how Astoria was holding up (the majority of you, at least.)


Draco wore a black suit. Simple, plain, yet suave. He kept an unfeeling expression on his face, but he was happy to see you. Your beautiful face, your mellifluous voice, the way your hair felt soft under the touch of his fingers. You should have been the one he married, not your sister.

"Draco, sweetie, would you mind fetching the door?" His mother called out. His heart bounced; his black shoes tapped against the marble floor as he approached the door. Taking one deep breath to compose himself, he opened the door.

And the first thing he looked at was you.

Stunning, you were absolutely stunning. He wanted to reach out and touch your curves, and you knew it. Your smug expression told him everything.

"Welcome," he managed to utter, forcing his eyes to stray over the rest of your family. "Please come in. Make yourselves feel at home." He stepped aside, letting your family inside. You stayed at the back, pretending to be polite and letting your sister and parents inside first. When they disappeared into the left room, settling onto the couch, you lingered around with Draco.

DracoxY/n ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now