Me and you, against the world

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She groaned, rolling onto her side.


The voice was hoarse, but had a familiar urgency that caused her to open her eyes. Her eyes landed on a figure standing in front of her. She sat up as quickly as wind could blow away dust, reaching out to grab her wand—

Then she heard sobbing. Quiet, muffled ones as the figure covered their face with their hands. Draco approached her and then laid down next to her, sniffling.

Aw, (Y/N) thought.

She let her thumb trace his forehead. She shhhed him softly as he cried into her arms. She held him tight; letting him steal her warmth as the coldness in his soul started freezing him up.

When he quietened, she let him lie back down. She leaned over, brushing the hair away from his eyes.

(Y/N) planted a soft kiss on his forehead before heading to sleep on the couch—

He grabbed her wrist and murmured, "stay."

Heart ripped open, she smiled and allowed his arms to wrap around her. She let herself fall into his embrace, into the feel of his skin. Whenever he would start sniffling, she'd stroke his temple and murmur, "I'm here."

When (Y/N) was sure he was asleep, she slipped out of his grasp and tip-toed to the edge of the bed. She gently took his shoes off and placed them quietly on the floor, being mindful of keeping him peacefully asleep. Then she pulled the quilt over him and rested back down on the side of the bed.

"Thank you," he croaked out, voice timid. Perhaps he wasn't asleep after all. "I wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight if you didn't allow me to sleep with you."

"Draco, you're always welcome here. How are you feeling?"

He bit his lip, avoiding her gaze. "I don't want to talk about it."

She knew what happened. She was there. (Y/N) had followed Draco when she saw Harry following him. She knew no good was about to happen, and when she finally had reached the two, she couldn't believe what she saw. Potter had performed a spell (even she didn't have knowledge of what type of spell) on her poor Draco, who fell to the ground in front of her. Why would he do that? Despite knowing the fact he was trying to kill Dumbledore, he should have known that Draco's heart wasn't into doing the act. He was fucking crying when he entered and attacked him.

That coward, (Y/N) thought.

She still remembered the pain she experienced when she saw and heard his scarred and bloody body collapse against the ground. How her world spun as she fell to her knees, eyes wide from shock. She wanted to scream when she heard his cries for help, his whimpers, but her mouth didn't obey her. When her gaze shifted to Potter, all he was doing was staring indifferently, like he didn't almost kill someone. He was the devil.

That idiot!

Meanwhile, Draco was doing all he could to forget. His body still ached, but not more than his mind. He was exhausted from thinking; was there a spell that made your thoughts disappear? Perhaps he should just obliviate himself; but what would happen to (Y/N)? Would he be selfish to leave her in an awful world all alone?

He snapped out from his trance when his head started pounding.

He lowered his gaze to (Y/N), eyes beginning to wet. But he had so much hope. "What are you thinking about?"

She rolled over to him and whispered, "have a way to kill Dumbledore?"

He cupped her face and replied, "no. So I came scurrying back to you for your help."

Smiling, she said, "I'm always here for you, Draco. From the start to the end."

A tear ran down his cheek. He wiped it away with his sleeve then stared at her wonderful smiling face. "How did I get so lucky? God had given me an Angel."

(Y/N) blushed, heart laughing from the tickles his words were giving her. "And he's given me a young boy growing up to be a wonderful man. Ready to change the world."

"And yet, that change won't be good."

"You might have to change yourself if you want to change for good. Change the way you look at things."

Draco smirked, the illuminating light of the moon peeking out from the window and shining upon his face. "Should I change the way I look at you, darling?"

The two snickered before she answered, "if that would help defeat the dark lord, I'm alright for that to happen."

His forehead creased. "What do you mean?"

"Draco, can't you see? I can't stand people getting hurt, especially not when Voldemort does it. I want everyone to be happy and live in a peaceful world."

Silence creeped in between them. In the dark, she saw Draco's mouth part. "You said Voldemort."

(Y/N) closed her eyes, the words slipping past her mouth. "He's no father of mine."

Why am I feeling ashamed? (Y/N) scolded herself. I am only speaking my mind.

"What of your brothers?"

"If they don't see the truth, so be it. But me, I'm going to make sure I'll never go back to him. And if I do, I will not stand being in the same room as him without killing him." The realisations of how evil truths could be hit (Y/N) square in the chest.

Draco chuckled, a sound she would never get tired of. "I love you, (Y/N)."

I love you. (Y/N) couldn't recall a moment she ever heard that from him. Perhaps the reason was that they both hadn't been together for long.

"I love you too."

I love you too.

And then they both fell asleep in each other's arms, a sign that almost nothing could rip them apart, a sign that it was them against the world. 

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