Broken Memories

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Pansy was (Y/N)'s best friend. They met in year one and immediately connected, as if they were made to be friends until their deaths. All her good memories at Hogwarts had at least one mention of her; her first complete potion had help from her, she was the first one to know of her first kiss and crush, her first sleepover, her first time playing quidditch. Pansy was the other half of her soul; (Y/N) never thought they would be seperated.

Draco was her boyfriend. He asked her out at the end of year three, confessing he thought she was very pretty and fell in love with the thought of being with her. He was also another person apart from her memories; her first kiss, her date to the Yule ball, her first crush, the night after the Ball and secret chit chats in the common room.

So you can imagine the pain she felt when she saw her best friend's arms wrapped around her boyfriend's neck. You can imagine the pain she felt as their lips connected into a passionate kiss.

"Draco?" Her voice cracked even just saying his name.

There was an eerie silence, laced with guilt and regret when the two parted, eyes wide as they watched a tear fall from (Y/N)'s eye.


She took a step back, frightened and heartbroken. "You... what?"

"(Y/N), let me explain—"

She interrupted him with a raise of her hand. "Explain what? Why were you kissing my fucking best friend?"

Pansy bit her lip. "Look, (Y/N), it was a mistake. You know that we would—"

"You," she pointed at her, eyes set into a mean glare. "Don't ever, ever talk to me again. I don't want to even see your face."

Parkinson lowered her gaze, understanding her mistake. She lost her best friend to a boy who would never be hers after being caught red handed by his own girlfriend. Draco couldn't speak; he knew he made a mistake and that (Y/N) would give him the consequences, but he felt broken. Half of his heart was now torn apart and given to (Y/N), into her soft hands in which it was held harshly; but being mindful not to end his pain.

"I want him to do the talking," (Y/N) said flatly, trying to hide the cracks in her voice. "Since he was my boyfriend."


Pansy closed her mouth, lowering her eyes as she allowed him to speak. For himself.

"When I said I didn't want to see your face, I meant it," (Y/N) snapped, heart pounding against her ribs. Her eyes softened as she looked into Pansy's brown ones for the last time. "Please go. That's the least you could do."

Agreeing, she glanced at Draco before pursing her lips and brushing past (Y/N).

There was a moment of silence when Pansy left. Draco's lips parted in an attempt to speak, but (Y/N) cut him off.

"Why did you do it?" She asked quietly, tears spilling down her cheeks. She exhaled a shuddering breath as her eyes locked with his.

"I didn't mean to," he responded slowly, even though it wasn't the truth.

(Y/N) scoffed, staring at his messed up blond hair and the slight mark of red lipstick on his lips. "Sure."

"So what are you going to do about it?" He blinked, looking away. "About us?"

She scoffed again. "There is no 'us' anymore."

Draco stared at her. He took a step forward, and smiled slightly. (Y/N)'s eyebrows knitted, confused as to why he was smiling.

"Remember our day at the black lake," He said. "You came late because you were caught up in studies. I still waited for you and when you came, in your favourite red dress, you said, 'I thought you would have left by now.' And I replied, 'I will never leave you.'"

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