What happened to us?

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(Y/N) and her best friend, Tabitha, strode down the hallway, laughing together as they spoke about the latest gossip. There were rumors that Hermione and Viktor Krum had some chemistry going on, and the two couldn't help but giggle whenever the topic was brought up. Hermione was a nerd, a goodie two shoes, and wasn't exactly loveable. Viktor Krum was a model; every girl he walked past fell in love with him, with his dark eyes, charming smile, and confident posture. Honestly, Hermione had good luck.

While Tabby talked about how Viktor had glanced at Hermione while slipping his name into the Tournament Trophy, (Y/N) thought about how wrong people were.

Draco's more hot, she thought truthfully. At least when he's alone with me.

She was referring to their secret relationship. Draco had asked her out last year. It was in Lupin's class, the one where they were taught of werewolves and animaguses. With a sneaky hand, he slipped a piece of ripped parchment into her hand and gestured for her to open it. Her eyes scanned the note with caution. When the message was processed, her mouth parted and her gaze raised to meet his blue eyes staring back at her. She, of course, accepted.

The last time they met was at the end of the year.


It was past curfew when (Y/N) climbed the stairs leading to the top of the Astronomy tower. There stood Draco, wearing his Slytherin robes and staring off at the sky. (Y/N) joined him and watched the stars flicker in the night sky. The scene looked like God had used white splotches of paint and had carelessly splashed it onto a dark navy blue piece of silk, then wrapped it around a sphere and named it 'night'. It was beautiful, and it will always be.

Draco glanced over at her, a smile twitching at his lips as she stared at the sky. He nudged her with his hip, causing her to turn her head and look at him.

"What a lovely year," he said to her, smirking. "Don't you agree?"

At the time, (Y/N) wasn't immune to his charms, so in response, she blushed. "I guess."

"You guess?" He pinned her against the railing, lips inches from hers. "You guess?"

"Yes, it was lovely," she almost snapped back.

Satisfied, Draco retreated from her. He put a hand around her waist and pulled her towards him. They stood in each other's arms. His face was buried in her hair as hers was resting on his chest.

"Why did you ask me?" (Y/N) whispered.

He pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. "You asked me the very same question last time."

She avoided his gaze. "I don't believe it. There's much prettier girls than me and some of them are in Slytherin."

"What are you trying to tell me, (Y/N)?" He asked, crossing his arms.

She shrugged, rubbing her arm roughly as she tried to gather her thoughts up. "I don't know... I just thought you wouldn't like a girl like me and now that you say you do... I can't help but think you're lying."

Draco raised his eyebrows. "Are you being fucking serious?"

(Y/N)'s face reddened, embarrassment lacing her heart.

He put a loose strand of y/h/c hair behind her ear, then lowered his hand to her cheek. "(Y/N), I like you because unlike all the other girls, you're actually likeable. Perhaps you might not believe me, but you're sweet and caring and that's what attracts me to you. Your capability of remaining sweet under situations in which you should go slap the fucking person."

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