The Prince and the Princess (2)

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Year 4:

Draco and (Y/N) were spending their time in the Slytherin common room. She was occupied with thoughts of the upcoming ball; she was afraid the person she wanted to go with wouldn't ask her. She was afraid that he would ask his girlfriend. She was afraid Draco would never realise that he was more than just a friend to her. And he would always be her princess, no matter how much he debated against it or how much he pretended to be the prince.

"The Yule ball," (Y/N) repeated to herself, her voice barely a mere whisper. What am I going to do about it?

Draco, who was sitting next to her on the Slytherin couch, leaned his ear towards her mouth and asked, "a little louder, please."

She jolted from how close her best friend was. A blush rose in her cheeks but she avoided addressing it. Ever since the end of last year, (Y/N) had found herself gathering feelings for Draco. Before this year, she found him handsome. He was, and that was a fact. But this year, she found him HOT. Like the spark of fire. The flame himself. She couldn't take her eyes off him and sometimes found herself staring at his face.

"The Yule ball," she said, forcing herself to say it louder. "What do you think about it?"

Draco leant back, considering the question. There was a long pause before he smirked to himself, meeting her eyes with a lazy gaze. "It would be... interesting."

"Interesting how?"

His face was inches away from hers when he sat up. His smirk broadened and he ruffled her hair playfully. She huffed, quickly fixing her hair up. He chuckled as he responded with, "Because girls will wish for their dream boy to take them; boys will ask the girl they like. There would be heartbreaks, love, definitely asking outs and certainly some hook-ups."

Her neck warmed. "Hook-ups are a definite. It won't be a surprise if you ask Pansy to the ball..."

His blue eyes met hers. His smirk vanished; he was serious. "What? Why do you think so?"

Her breath caught in her throat. She swallowed, collecting her thoughts. She tilted her head, attempting a small mischievous smile. "Isn't she your girlfriend?"

His eyes darkened. He turned away from her, his gaze casted low. His hand rubbed his thigh as he sighed. "I... I don't like her anymore."

Hope. Hope was the one word that defined the bursting feeling in (Y/N)'s chest. She wanted to fly up and scream in joy; Pansy was no longer Draco's love interest. And without her being an obstacle... perhaps... just perhaps... she had a chance. Had a chance with the Slytherin Prince. The Malfoy son. The blond platinum boy. Her best friend.

"Really?" She replied cockily, masking her emotions. "How surprising. Found a new fuck-buddy?"

That smirk found it's way on his lips. "Not yet... but I've got a girl in mind."

They locked eye-contact. He leant forward, chucking deviously as he closed the distance between their faces. His eyes flicked from her eyes to her lips. They quickly made their way back into her gaze when he murmured, "the girl I like... she's beautiful. And funny, and kind. She's always been by my side and I was so stupid to not acknowledge her presence the way she acknowledges mine.. in other words, you can call her my prince."

My Prince. His prince. Who else could be his prince?

He was talking about her.

Eyes widening, heart beating, she smiled. "Your prince? Prince (Y/N), perhaps?"

His breath was hot against her mouth. "How daring of you, (Y/N). But... you're—"

The common room's door opened. (Y/N) jerked herself away from Draco, heart pounding. He grunted, tugging at his uniform's collar as he turned to look at who interrupted them. (Y/N) saw the trickle of sweat run down his temple.

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