The grey area

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This one will be written in second POV. I think that's how I'm going to write the rest unless I change my mind;)
P.S: this one has more angst than romance, but I hope you still enjoy it ♡♡♡

It was obvious. You knew what Voldemort had ordered Draco to do. He had to find a way to connect Hogwarts to the Malfoy Manor, a way for the death eaters to enter the school without charging in from the front door. You didn't know how exactly he was planning to do that, so you cast the thought aside.

The main reason you want to step in? Draco's second mission was to kill Dumbledore. And you wanted to punish him for that. Professor Dumbledore was someone you admired, a father figure during your first few years at Hogwarts. You weren't going to allow him to simply succumb to murder, especially since you're going to do something about it.

You and Draco were never friends. He never picked on you, but you hated his guts for his unreasonable prejudice against Muggle borns, and his tendency to bully people whenever he wished to. It gave you more of a reason to kill him, to fight him. To protect Dumbledore, and ultimately protect the school.

Regardless of your hatred, you felt it. You quickly realised that Draco had changed. Gone was the arrogant, smug young boy who was always up to no good. Melancholy replaced his mischief, and now somber aura surrounds him. There's no smile on his face, no sign of life or happiness. He's like a dead corpse walking, trying to convince himself he was as alive as he was last year. It made your stomach churn, almost made you feel guilty for hating him. For hating a man who looked nothing but broken.

But his goals remind you that he's still the same person. A coward, a person who would do anything his superiors tell him to do so. A person who would kill others to protect himself. A Death eater.

So when you spotted his silhouette smoothly pacing through the crowd, you followed him. Your eyes remained on the back of his head, trying your best to keep watch on him.

A left, a right. It was almost like he knew you were following him, going in circles. Draco looked over his shoulder, peering over at you. You quickly ducked behind someone else, and somehow managed to slip away from hia radar. Finally, he had entered a room.

The room of requirement, you noted to yourself. After he slipped in, you waited a few minutes before doing the same. Pulling the door open, you quietly shut it close behind you.

Your hand remained close to the wand in your pocket. Cautiously moving, you follow the pathway, spotting Draco standing in front of a concealed object. He pulls the sheets off, revealing a cabinet.

A cabinet. It can't be an ordinary one. Why would he care about a simple cabinet?

Think, (Y/N), think, you told yourself internally.

It's not like it could open a door to another place, or teleport--

A vanishing cabinet. You had to congratulate Voldemort's intelligence for thinking of that. You knew a little about vanishing cabinets, how there were not one, but two. A twin, a connection.

One door that leads to another.

You remained quiet, peeking from behind the books. Draco had something in his hand, yet you couldn't decipher what it was. A black object, small and easy to hold. It looked like something alive, since it wriggled against his tight grasp. A rat? A bird?

There was hesitation written over his face. You moved closer, tip toeing to avoid being detected. Draco put the object into the cabinet, closing the door in front of it. A moment of silence, a thick suspense choking the air.

After murmuring a spell, he opened the cabinet. Following his gaze, you saw that the object laid there, still. Unmoving. Dead.

To your surprise, Draco closed the cabinet calmly. You flinched at his sudden outburst, kicking the cabinet and cursing loudly. Like if he's met failure far too many times, when the only thing he kept ringing was success. Seems like success has been sending him straight to voicemail.

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