The best lesson

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(Y/N) found herself in a terrible situation. Apparently Professor Snape thought that teaching the class one lesson made him their automatic teacher. He partnered her up with Malfoy.

Perhaps she wasn't a Gryffindor and didn't hold grudges as they did, but Malfoy got under her nerves. Tightening her blue tie, her jaw clenched at the memory of when he bullied her for being a nerd. She was no nerd, just keen to pass her assignments.

So when his name and her name slipped out of the professor's mouth, her jaw dropped. She couldn't work with that guy— she couldn't stand him!

He moved to her desk, letting his books slip from his hands and onto the table with a loud THUD indicating he had the same reluctance as she did.

She exhaled a breath and then opened her book. He copied her actions and exhaled a breath of his own.

Flicking through the pages, she started copying information about werewolves and animaguses into her book, quill feathers tickling her thumb as her eyes flicked from book to hers.

"What page is it," Malfoy murmured softly to her.

"If you were listening, Professor Snape said page 394," she snapped.

"And if you knew, I don't think I give a fuck," he hissed back.

"You're a pain," she replied. "Just shut up and copy the information down."

Snape's gaze lingered over the both of them. "A problem, Miss (Y/L/N)?"

(Y/N) looked up and scoffed. "Obviously."

"How unfortunate he's your partner for the rest of the year."

The class laughed.

Her jaw clenched. "How unfortunate indeed."

"I recommend you to tutor him, Miss (Y/L/N). He doesn't seem to be able to concentrate on his work."

She glanced to her side and saw him flicking dirt out of his nails. He looked up, eyebrows raised. "What are you staring at, (Y/L/N)?"

"At you. Better finish up or you're going to spend time with me in the library."

(Y/N) felt hurt rush through her when he picked up his quill and copied down the notes quicker than she thought he would.

Why am I so hurt? She thought. This is Malfoy, not someone else.

Malfoy, on the other side, was secretly complaining about his aching hand. But he distracted himself with a rather stupid thought.

Time with (Y/L/N) in the library? Sounds like a study date, Malfoy thought to himself, smiling slightly. Realizing what he had just thought, he scowled at himself and finished off his notes.

He snuck a glance at (Y/L/N)'s book and saw neat handwriting running across the page in perfect lines. Meanwhile, his handwriting wasn't too neat and was in rather sloppy lines. He bit his lip as he attempted to straighten his handwriting.

(Y/N) had caught him looking. She watched him write in a straight line and scoff triumphantly to himself when he finished. He glanced at her and met her y/e/c eyes. (Y/N) had butterflies form in her stomach as his ice-blue eyes rolled into hers. She didn't dare blink.

He broke his gaze when he noticed the other students standing up and exiting the classroom. He went to do the same but (Y/L/N) stopped him. Her hand loosened around his wrist when she realised her action— reddening, she murmured something to herself before raising her voice.

"If you need a tutoring lesson, you can just tell me," she peeped quietly, avoiding his gaze.

Malfoy scoffed. "No tutoring with nerds."

(Y/N)'s cheeks reddened. "Being a nerd is better than being ignorant like you."

She turned around, ready to leave and forget about this pathetic lesson, but a cold hand grabbed her wrist. She looked over her shoulder and saw Malfoy staring into her eyes, a small smirk on his lips.

"Library, 7pm tonight. Don't be late, or I'll fucking kill you."

His smirk then faded into a smile. He bowed his head gently, then snatched his hand back and walked away, almost humming in victory. With her heart beating, she stood there, paralysed. (Y/N) saw Professor Snape looking at her with one eyebrow raised and quickly left the classroom too.

Library, 7pm tonight.

She repeated the sentence in her head until it stuck to her like glue.

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