Graduation party

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After the war, Hogwarts decided to give all the seventh year students another year to catch up with their studies and properly graduate. It was a peaceful year, with everyone trying to forget how horrible the previous year was.

Often, the new Headmaster Minerva McGonagall would set up activities to make the year a little more engaging. A little more distracting, really. You and your friends would always show up, though, in an excuse to have some fun and kill time.

And at the end of the year, everyone was excited to attend the graduation party. With much convincing, the students managed to persuade the professors to allow alcohol, as everyone was eighteen and of adult age. Although there was a limit of one glass per person, the students would find a way to corrupt that rule and get drunk. Really drunk.

On the night of the occasion, you and your friends got ready together. Giggling at the thoughts of what would happen, of how drunk people would be. You wore an off-shoulder dress, black in colour. It was short, reaching down to your knees. To accompany it, you wore black heels, and left your hair loose.

"You look perfect!" Hermione complimented. She herself looked spectacular. Back when you two were fourth years, she wore a pink gown to the Yule Ball. Now, she wore a similar dress to yours; off-shoulder, short but pink instead of black.

"So do you!" You returned her energy and enthusiasm.

One difference was that she was excited to get drunk with Ron, her boyfriend. You always knew they were bound to get together, and you were more than pleased when they made it official. You were prepared to mingle, and possibly find a boy to spend the night with. It wasn't your first priority, but it was somewhere on your list.

"The great hall is going to be packed," you commented, fixing your hair. Hermione agreed by tipping her head.

When you two were done, you waited for Luna and Ginny to finish up before making your way to the great hall. Nervous, your fingers clenched into fists. It'll be alright, you told yourself. Enter with a smile.

So you did: a bright smile on your face, as the doors opened to reveal a loud, bumbling environment. All the boys were wearing suits, some black, some navy blue, some white. The girls wore various dresses, from red to yellow, short to long, plain to patterned. You could see colour everywhere, and your smile only grew more genuine as Hermione made her way to Ron. He swept her off her feet, admiring her beauty. It was a cute sight, but you couldn't help but wish you had someone to do that with.

"Well, well, well," the snarky voice of the infamous Draco Malfoy sneered. Although he had gone through a few personality changes, he had adopted the same smug, arrogant facade. Gone was the boy who didn't want to be evil; returned was the mischevuois bully. Of course, he tended to pick on his targets far more discreetly. He didn't need to be the victim of everyone else's pointed looks, even though he already was.

"Shut up, Malfoy," you said, crossing your arms. Draco had a peculiar obsession with you; he loved to tease you every chance he got. Whether it was because he wanted your attention, or it was for some other reason, you didn't like it.

"I wasn't going to say anything rude," he said defensively, his blue eyes tracing your form before flashing you a smirk. A smirk that many girls found charming, that many girls would fall for.

Were you an exception?

"Then what do you want?" You asked. Truly, if he didn't mean any harm, what did he want?

He didn't reply, just shoved a glass of wine into your hand. Reluctant, you accepted it. He watched you take a sip, before saying, "do I need to want something to talk to you?"

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