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For a few days, Draco had watched Professor Umbridge interrogate students. He observed at how she started off slow, like if she wanted them to be comfortable, before snapping at them and forcing them to drink their cup of water (which was obviously mixed with Veritaserum.)

He had hoped to be the one to interrogate Potter (when his turn came up,) because he wanted to be in control for once. Funny, because Potter was always the one in control, always the one in power, always the one who escaped. If he could interrogate him, perhaps it would just resolve the battle inside of him.

Who knows?

"Who have we not interviewed?" The pink professor asked Draco, scratching off a person's name.

"Potter," Draco said quickly, making sure he would be added to the list. The professor scoffed before nodding.

"Yes, we have not interviewed Mr Potter, but what do you expect to get out of it? Would it just give you a reason to fangirl over him even more, or would it make you more severely obsessed?"

Draco blinked at Umbitch. Goyle, Crabbe and the professor shared a couple of laughs, and it all sounded like her hellish giggles. He shot a glare at his friends, who immediately stifled their laughter. Umbitch, though, found her joke incredibly funny.

"I don't have a crush on him," he hissed to her amusement. "I'm not gay."

"Besides that, I think it's time we bring Miss (Y/L/N) in," Umbridge stated, her eyes flitting over Draco's expression as she continued. "She may be Slytherin but deep down she might as well as transfer to the Gryffindor House. She's such a reckless girl, and I haven't even been here for too long. It's quite obvious that the Sorting Hat has become old; that would be one of the very first things I will replace when I have the chance to. Any of you have any arguments against bringing (Y/N) in?"

She was clearly asking everyone, as she looked about, meeting each and everyone's gaze, but it was obviously directed towards him. Perhaps the professor was a bitch and was quite controlling, but she was socially intelligent. So if she could read his feelings, could (Y/N) gave possibly picked upon them too?

"Sure," he said as indifferently as he could. "Perhaps she could be the first person I can interrogate."

Her eyebrows shot up. "Yeah? You would like Mrs Malf- Miss (Y/L/N) to be a part of your first interrogation? Are you sure you want to interrogate her or steal the truth about an off-topic subject?" Was she teasing him? New side unlocked.

He stared at her before what she said clicked. Draco, who hadn't thought of that idea before, secretly thanked the pink professor before replying, "she's a stubborn girl. I'd enjoy getting many things from her."

The room went silent, before Umbridge smiled and nodded, accepting his suggestion. "I agree. But a Headmaster is kind and compromising, so I shall give you the fun of the interrogation. Do bring Goyle and Crabbe with you, just in case things get.. out of hand."

Draco wanted to glare her down but that would only result in a punishment for himself.


When (Y/N) was skipping up the stairs, he could hear her sigh in exasperation. He glanced at his friends to see them busy. He quickly styled up his hair, checked his breath and fixed up his robes. He tugged at his collar and finished up quickly as a knock pounded on the wooden door.

He gestured for Goyle to open it. Grudgingly, he approached the door and tilted the door knob, pulling it open to reveal (Y/N), leaning her body weight on her left leg, her hand on her hip as she tiredly met their gazes.

"Yes? I was called for, what, another one of your interrogations?" She asked.

Draco swallowed, loving the tone of her voice. "Miss (Y/L/N)," he said, meeting her y/e/c eyes. "Take a seat, and enjoy this cup of-"

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