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Y/n = your name
S/c= skin color
H/c= hair color

Xibalba- (Zee-ball-baa)

Status: Edited (1)


You looked at the Erie hotel up ahead. You were sitting in your carriage, looking at the amount of monsters that surrounded the place.

"No wonder Xibalba wanted to meet here instead of his lair. It's a lot more practical that wandering the land of the forgotten." You chatted with your chauffeur as he groaned.

"Burgh gurgle augur." He responded.
("The owner is nice, you'll like it here. ")

"You think so Stefan?" Your flaming carriage pulled into the front of the many steps that led to the entrance of the large hotel.

A worker came to open the door for you and another one helped you get out. You observed the hotel's surroundings.

It was very private and secluded, it looked very old which made you smile. You looked at the monsters who were staring at you. You raised an eyebrow behind your large glasses and proceeded to enter the hotel.

The monsters backed away and one of them screamed when you approached them. You smirked, 'at least I still invoke fear into those that see me.'

"HUMAN!" Another one shouted.

You turn to look behind you, only seeing just the staff, you turn back questioningly, 'what are these people on?'

A man comes rushing out of the hotel, he flew towards you, "No human has ever been on the property, don't worry everybody, I will handle this, security precautions will go up! All monsters head inside the hotel now!" The all stampede inside, screaming and watching from the window.

He stared into your eyes as they went red, "You will walk thousands of miles to the bottomless pit and you will plummeted for eternity! "

You flipped your sunglasses upwards, looking behind him to see a rushing prince of the forgotten, "Y/n! Human form! You're still in your human form!"

You checked your hands, which sure enough, were s/c instead of your usual red, "Oh, was that what this whole thing was about?"

You laughed then snapped, a circle of fire appeared at your feet, engulfing you in flames to reveal your true form. Your stunning black suit complemented your red skin very well. You brushed back stray h/c hairs while Xibalba explained.

"Dracula, this is Y/n of the Inferno, she's here for the Demon-al conference in two days." Xibalba watched as the workers started to take in your luggage from your carriage.

"Oh, then my apologies Ms. Y/n. May I escort you inside?" He asked, looking at your sunglasses, which made their way back to your face during the transformation.

"Of course, who would I be to deny such a gracious offer." You accepted his arm as he started to tell you about his hotel.


"Once again, I am so sorry Ms. Y/n." Dracula apologized once more.

"Do not apologize to me, you were doing what was best for your business, I admire that in a man." You flirted.

Of course you flirted, it was literally what you were created to do. Dracula smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Still, if there is anything I could do to make it up to you for almost killing you, let me know." Dracula held your hands in his as he looked away, the contact making him flustered.

"Tell you what, surprise me. Whatever you feel is appropriate for me to 'forgive' you. Anyways, thank you for the tour, I really enjoyed it." You smiled, kissing his cheek, then walking into your room.


Dracula wasn't sure how to feel with this new guest, "dad, she was flirting with you." Mavis said walking on the ceiling above her father.

"What? No- she- she's a succubus, that's all. She has no interest in me. Wait, you're only 85, you shouldn't care about things like this. Go... somewhere else.' Dracula waved his daughter off as he inspected his hotel.

"Okay, well what about a date? Taking her on a date might tell her your interested." Mavis dropped to the ground as her father watched her.

"You have 5 seconds to leave before I-"

"Okay, okay. But I'm just trying to-"

"Five, four..." Dracula started counting as his daughter sighed, then flew away.

"That girl. I wonder where she gets it from." Dracula looked out of the window, seeing more guests arrive.

Dracula watches as his friends start to appear from the carriages. Purple smoke enveloped him as his bat form glided down. He transforms once on the ground.

"Friends! Welcome!" Dracula smiled, looking at his friends.

"Is it true there was a human here? Drac, you know we don't do humans." Eunice asked, standing closer to her 8 foot husband.

"Yeah, Drac, you know what humans do-" Frank started to get paranoid.

"Woah, guys calm down, I'm sure Drac has a reasonable explanation, besides he probably took care of it." Wayne tried to reason with his friends.

Drac smiled, "actually, there was no human. It was a mishap that almost caused me to... uhm... do something to a very powerful and valuable customer. I'm still trying to figure out how to apologize."

"Oh, well, who is it? I'm sure it can't be that bad." Wanda looked at Drac, holding his hand gently, "I'm sure if you just explained it would be alright."

"Well, I did, but then she said-" Dracula's face turned bright pink as he looked away.

"She?" Eunice asked, "who is it?"

"Y/n of the Inferno." Dracula's face turned another shade of red as he remembered the woman.

"Y/N OF THE INFERNO-" Frank covered his wife's mouth with his hands.

"Well what did she say, exactly?" Frank asked, following Drac inside the hotel with their luggage.

He choked on his words, "she said that she admires a man that will do anything for his business."

Dracula touched his cheek where you kissed it, he could've melted right there and then.

"Well, maybe that's a sign, Drac." Wayne walked with his wife inside the hotel.

"How does Mavis feel about her?" Wanda asked putting a hand on his back.

"She-" he stopped, trying to gather his words, "wants me to take her on a date."

"Awe, well, then Mavis feels ready, but do you?" Wanda asked.

"I'm not so sure. You can all meet her tomorrow during breakfast."

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