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Y/n= your name

Status: Unedited

Me realizing that this is the most traumatic character I've ever written 👀

You stood by La Muerte as Xibalba went to get you two drinks, "Y/n, please tell me what's wrong? Talk to me."

You shook your head, "you don't need to worry about it."

"Here we go, a glass of rosé for my rose, and an herbal tea for my darling friend." Xibalba tried to lighten the mood.

"Maybe you can explain why Y/n is like that?" La Muerte looked at her husband as he watched you drink your tea.

He whispered into her ear, "what?"

Xibalba sighed, "that's not all of it, I'll explain later."

You finished your tea, looking at the leaves as Xibalba watched you in sadness. He wanted nothing more than for you to live a life of happiness, but deep down, he knew that could never be.

Xibalba's flame went out, which caught La Muerte's attention. You sighed, placing your tea cup on the table as you thought in contemplation.

Xibalba bit his lip watching you turn to him, giving him a hug, "Thank you. For everything."

You gave him a sad smile as you walked back to your table. Xibalba's eyes watered as La Muerte watched him, now concerned.

"Xibalba, what is going on?" La Muerte asked, watching him try not to cry.

"Muerte, it's him, Dracula is him." Xibalba gave her the look as her eyes shown recognition.

"No, it couldn't be..." La Muerte watched as Dracula socialized with all of the guests.

"That's why she doesn't want to marry him..." Suddenly everything made sense for La Muerte as she remembered something important.

"Xibalba we can't let her go through with it! She'll lose her wings! Her right! Everything she's worked so hard for!" La Muerte's candles grew brighter.

Xibalba sighed, "It's too late..." he watched as Bog held a smirk, standing up to tap his glass.

"Thank you good people for coming to this amazing party by our wonderful Count, but there's one person who made all of this possible.

None of us would be here if it wasn't for one, gorgeous and talented woman who made life much better for all monsters. I know I speak for all of us when I say she's changed us all for the better. Y/n of the Inferno!"

People clapped for you, as the spotlight changed to where you were standing, Bog approached you holding your hand, "tonight is a special night, something I wish for all of you to remember, since this will be a very memorable moment for me..."

He turned to you as people gazed, "We have known each other for the longest time, and while we may not get along often, we do make a perfect pair..."

The Bogeyman dropped on one knee, "Y/n, will you make me the happiest creature unalive and marry me?"

You stood there and glanced at Dracula who just watched, then you nodded, "Yes."

The people cheered as Bog slipped one of his rings onto your finger and you watched your friends at the bar, who looked upset. Dracula clapped along with the people and you turned back to Bog, who's arm had now made his way to your waist.

Dracula joined the other council members, smiling at the engagement, "I'm glad they've gotten past their differences."

Manan glanced at Dracula, scoffing as she rolled her eyes, "Don't you understand what's happening?"

"Manan, don't push it." La Muertre said with a warning tone.

Dracula looked confused, "what? What am I missing?"

Manananggal side eyed Dracula, then turned fully, "how do you go from hating every fibre in a person to getting married in less than a month?"

Xibalba stirred his drink, uninterested in the conversation and upset with his choices. All he could see was how upset you were, using all of your strength not to cry.

"But she's happy now, that's all that matters." Dracula reasoned.

"Does that really look happy to you?" Xibalba spat and called the bartender for another shot of fireball, waiting for the green liquid on fire.

Dracula watched as you sat with him, not as happy as he assumed you would be after getting engaged, "if she's not happy, why would she say yes?"

La Muerte comforted Xibalba, "because she doesn't want to burden you or allow a titan to become part of the council. Mictan killed many gods for power."

"She'll have to marry on the blood moon and sacrifice her wings once she marries Bog." Xibalba started to cry, now drunk.

Dracula looked at them, "what? When I looked through the papers, that wasn't part of the deal."

"It is when you want her power. Which is why Bog was so adamant on marrying her. In order for her to marry him, his conditions were for her to surrender her power to him, as well as her freedom. Her wings will be cut and she will be an ordinary demon." Dracula looked at Banshee who was calming Manananggal down.

Now he felt terrible. This wonderful woman, who Mavis already wished lived at the hotel, wouldn't marry him to keep his little family intact. Now she is losing everything. All because he didn't want to remarry.

Bog approached the group with Y/n, "since that's all settled, Dracula, I hope you don't mind that we wish to be married here in the hotel. The closest blood moon is in three days and we wouldn't want to miss it."

Dracula watched as you stood there, almost lifeless, "of course, would you like to see our venues?"

Bog smiled as the rest of them glared at him, "darling, why don't you get started on your wedding dress, I'm sure you've got your work cut out for you."

You nodded walking out of the loud hall full of talking people while Bog and Dracula walked off to see the sites they can hold the wedding. Bog was very happy that things were going his way.

Xibalba, however, was very close to breaking.

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