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You laid out in your bikini wile other succubi "lounged" around in the sauna. Being succubus, they were all over each other, or what other poor monster happened to walk in the room.

You sat in the back, almost like a throne made for you. The sexual tension was enough to drive a human insane. You lounged around, indulging in the satisfaction and pleasure that was filling the room. Your powers were almost back to normal.

One of the biggest misconceptions was that succubi were shameless, sexual creatures, but in fact, that wasn't the case at all. Like all monsters, when a succubus finds their zing, they cannot lust after anyone but them.

So, seeing how they needed contact to survive, sex was the easiest way to find a mate. Parties and having multiple partners was just a plus.

The wall from a hallway exit opened revealing Dracula and the boy from earlier. The pink air traveled to the new draft, both unfazed.

You raised an eyebrow, seeing the boy not bothered by the tension, but fascinated by the room, "Whoa!"

You stood up, walking down to see Drac who watched your body move the whole time, "You lost, little bat?"

Your tail moved, "And you, I'm curious. What's your name?"

You watched as his eyes followed your tail, "Johnathan."

"Tell me, Jonathan, are you seeing anyone? Any partners?" You watched as he shook his head, "No, I'm alone."

"Do you have any interest on anyone? Maybe here in the hotel?" Your voice kept him in his trance.

"Well, I like that vampire girl, she's pretty cool." Johnathan kept watching your tail sway from side to side.

"Mavis?" Your surprise broke him from his trance.

"Yeah, why- Wait! You're that demon lady from earlier!" He looked you up and down, "Sick bathing suit. Is this a demon sauna? Why are there so many of you? Is it like a party?" Drac covered Johnny's mouth, his eyes still on you.

"Yes, in a way, it is a party. Mind telling me where you're headed?" You asked Drac as he snapped out of his thoughts.

"Uhm, a way out so he... he can look at venues in the hotel!" He smiled as you took his arm, leading him away.

"Well, if I were you, I would worry about what's happening down there before you continue." You chuckled looking back at Johnathan who was questioning some of the succubi in the room.

"Not again... do you mind?" You smiled.

"If I did, I wouldn't do it for you so often." You kissed Drac, taking the tension, lust, and other feelings from him so he could continue, but in turn, you were now in the same desperate state he was in before.

"You mind if I come with you? I'm tired of being cooped up in there." He eyed your body, "If you keep staring, I'm going to have to extract more from you."

Drac snapped out of it, using his magic to wrap his cape around you, "If you're coming with us, then you need to cover up, I don't need anyone looking at you like that."

You smiled, "Of course, thank you," you kissed his cheek as you called, "Johnathan! Let's go!"

He looked at you, "Okay!" Then waved to the succubus he was talking to, running to catch up with the both of you.

"I really hope this is it." Dracula pulled down the lever, revealing the party hall and the boys fighting with zombie musicians.

You sighed, still uncomfortable and in pain from taking Dracula's emotion earlier, "Go handle them, I'll be at the bar."

The bartender handed you a drink as you sat back, watching the guys explain what they were doing. You heard a scream and turned to see Johnny fall back, behind Dracula.

"Who is that?" Frank asked, as Johnny panicked and started to do a Frankenstein impression, "What? Is he... is he making fun of me?"

"Oh, no, no, no. He's not, because..." You looked at Dracula to see who this manster was.

"He's your cousin, Johnny Stein." Mavis sat on the bar next to you, looking at her father's cape which was draped around you.

"Yes, yes, yes." Dracula nodded.

"I don't have no cousin." Frank looked at the ground confused as the pair in front of him started to speak.

"No, no. You do. He's your sixth cousin, three times removed." Drac smiled.

"On your right arm's side." Johnny explained as you raised an eyebrow.

Frank looked at his arm, "you have a cousin?"

Dracula spoke again, "if your arm could talk it would tell you that the original owner of the arm had a brother-"

"Who married a woman-"

"Who was *blegh*-"

"For strangling a pig!"

They stood there and smiled as Frank took in all of the information that was just presented to him, "I have pig strangling blood in my arm?"

"Well cuz," Frank shook the monster's hand, "great to meet you!"

You and Mavis chuckled as the two started talking with the group, "So what brings you here, Johnny?"

Johnny jumped back, then looked at the floating pair of glasses, "AH, what was that?"

"Oh, sorry. I should really clear my throat before I speak." Griffin walked forward, "Anyway, what brings you here?"

"Uh, party planner?" Johnny asked Dracula as he nodded.

You raised an eyebrow and sat back in the barstool while watching them interact, "Yes, I have recruited Mr. Stein, here, to help me with Mavis's birthday!"

Murray spoke up, "Wait- You? Asked someone to help you?"

"Captain Control Freak?" Wayne asked as you wrapped your arms around Dracula.

"Actually, I believe it's Count Control Freak, isn't that right, darling?" You chuckled as the boys laughed.

Pink mist clogged his senses once again and he squeezed your hand, signaling to you as the boys explained why they were in the room, pain and heat once again entered your system as you let go of him.


You sat down next to Mavis while the boys sang on the stage, "Isn't that sweet?"

You glanced at your daughter as she watched Johnny, "So, that stein boy, what was his name... Jacob?"

"Johnny! His name is Johnny." Mavis turned towards you and started to talk about him.

"Ah, so the first time you saw him was when he crashed into you?" you looked at her, piecing together the puzzle.

"Mhm, he's really nice, and cute, and I really, really like him." You smiled watching her eyes move when Johnny jumped on stage to serenade her.

You smiled watching her get wooed by him. It was cute until he stage dived off the plat form, straight onto the hardwood floor.

All of the people surrounded Johnny, the excitement he brought being refreshing. You looked at Dracula, seeing him upset at people wanting to change certain activities in the hotel.

You held his cape close to you, watching all of them interact.

You could only hope Dracula could be mature about this.

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