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Was it odd that Mavis had been avoiding you the last few days? Yes. 

Did it bother you that Johnny tried to distract you from the fact that Mavis was avoiding you? Yes.

But what didn't bother you was all of the mother-son dates Johnny would set throughout the month.

You were sitting with Dracula, reading one of your favorite retellings of a Romanian romance while he painted when they both entered the room.

You stood up to hug your daughter when she dodged your hug, leaving you feeling dejected. Johnny came in soon and filled the empty spot where a hug should've been.

"Mom, I need to talk to Dad in private." Your heart sank as you left the room with Johnny.

"Don't worry, she doesn't know about your past." You breathed a sigh of relief, "She just wants to spend some more time with her father, that's all." He giggled, which made you raise an eyebrow.

"Are you sure that's all?" He smiled at you.

"Well..." Johnny held up a racket.


You hit the racket towards the younger boy, adjusting your breathing as the tennis ball made its way back to you.

"You think we should take up the skellies in a practice game?" You watched the ball bounce back to you as you hit it back.

"No, I don't think they've forgiven me for putting my hands in her... and seeing her in the shower... and -" Johnny started to ramble.

You held your hands up, "I get it."

You tossed the water bottle to Johnny, "So, a practice game, followed up by dinner with the whole family?"

Johnny laughed as he plopped himself next to you, "I think that's all for tonight."

You stared in confusion at your son-in-law as he giggled and held your hand, taking you back to the hotel, "Hurry up and get changed. We have to make our reservations."

You looked at the redhead in slight concern as you left to get ready.


Johnny came into the room and held up a tie for you to help him with, "...did I design this?"

He giggled, "Yeah, you did." 

You stood there, "I remember this line. It's from the mini-me collection. It looks good on you."

Johnny giggled again, then stopped abruptly, "What if we played a game of charades?"

"Before dinner?" You looked outside to see bats flying through the clouds, "i guess it couldn't hurt."

"Great! I'll go first!" Johnny stood up, "You might want to sit down, I'm so good at charades. You might faint."

He put up two fingers, "two words?" He nodded, then held up one finger, "1st word."

You rolled your eyes and sat down, "Ring? Marriage? Husband?"

Johnny shook his head and reversed his fingers, "Wife?"

He nodded as he put up two fingers, "2nd word."

He nodded again, then patted his tummy, "Hungry."

He shook his head no, "Full,"

He waved his hand in the 'sorta' motion, "Sort of full?"

You muttered to yourself, "Wife's full... wife's tummy full... wife's belly full..." 

You looked up in shock, tears welling up in your eyes, "No..."

Johnny smiled and opened his and opened his arms as you cried in his arms and heard a scream from outside, "I'm gonna be a grandpa!"

Johnny yelled outside the window, "And I'm gonna be a dad!"

He squeezed you tighter as you cried harder, "Mavis knew that if you touched her in her later stages, you would know she was pregnant. She's not avoiding you because she hates you."

Johnny kissed your forehead as the two came back in the room, "Mom, I'm so sorry I've been avoiding you -"

You cut her off with a hug, and sure enough, you felt another soul within her, "Oh, honey, I'm so happy."

You kissed her cheek and held her close as Dracula shed some tears quietly in the corner.


The pregnancy went by easy, thanks to a supportive partner and doting, loving, parents. 

"Mom, can I get some anchovies and fried cheese?"

"Johnny, the baby's kicking me again!" 

"Dad! My back's hurting again."




When the baby finally came, Johnny went into the delivery room with her as you and Dracula waited outside.

"I don't want you interrupting her procedure just to see the baby first. You'll see him after." You scolded your husband as he scoffed.

"It's not interrupting, I just want to be there for my daughter. You can't be mad at me. It's not like you've ever given birth." You froze, listening to your husband's words drip like poison off a freshly sharpened blade.

The third electric wave of this month surged through the room, hitting you sharply. A specific fusion of demon magic had been killing random creatures and humans, but you didn't know where the source was coming from. 

You had many demons look for the source for a prize, but no one could find the demonic force behind it.

Your husband gave up trying to apologize and slipped out of the room to go greet his new grandson as you waited alone.

You traced the source and would check it out later. The world needs to be safer, especially now that your family is growing.


You called Linda and Mike so they could see their newborn grandson, "Aw he's so cute. Little Dennis has to be the most precious thing in this whole gosh darn world."

You laughed, "You can say that again. The doctor said Dennis could start getting visitors after fourteen months so that his immune system starts to develop."

Linda nodded, "I totally understand that, when Trent was four months old, my Aunt Stacie gave him pneumonia, we were terrified for months until his immune system caught up with him when he turned two years old."

"I can't wait to see you guys again. It was so nice catching up with you when you were here for her pregnancy." Mike looked up from his paper.

"I'm surprised Linda hasn't told you about her book club yet." Mike chuckled to himself.

"Oh, right. Y/n I have this virtual book club that I think you would love to join..." Linda smiled as you sat down with the baby and listened to Linda.

Believe it or not, Linda was a very supportive person who was just very overprotective. She loved that you would help Mavis and Johnny with the baby while they slept and did other things.

There was only one problem.

Like the wedding, you couldn't be in any of your demon forms around Dennis. Mavis was afraid that Dennis would become scared of you if he ever saw you in your natural form. 

Johnny disagreed and believed that Dennis would be desensitized when growing up with you. That way, it would be easier to break the new to his parents about what you actually were.

Regardless of what you thought, you listened to what your daughter wanted from you.


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Status: Unedited

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