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Y/n = your name

Status: Unedited


You smiled, braiding Mavis's long hair, "It's so long, doesn't it bother you?"

"I mean, it does sometimes. Well, a lot. Sometimes, I wish I had short hair. It gets kind of hard to manage." She examined her long hair.

You thought for a moment, "if you can convince your father, I'll cut your hair. I've done mine before, I'll just show you styles I've cut for myself in the past."

"Really?" She jumped up excitedly.

"Really." You smiled as she ran out if the room.

A few seconds later Dracula entered the room with Mavis hot on his tail, "why would you want to cut her hair? Y/n, look at how long her hair is! You look like your mother."

"Dad, sometimes it's really hard to manage, it's really hard to wash my hair... and brush it. I think having it shorter would be a lot easier to keep clean." She looked at him.

Dracula sighed, "as long as it's not too short and you don't shave anything, yes,
Y/n can cut your hair,"

Mavis shot up, "Oh, yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He smiled, kissing her forehead as a knight walked in, "Sir, there's and emergency in the hotel!"

Dracula sighed, "I'm sorry honey, I've gotta go."

Dracula hugged Mavis one more time before leaving to fix whatever the problem was. You made a book appear of all of the hairstyles you've had in your past, making it sort of a memory book.

In 1973, you had long hair, longer then Mavis, which was kept until the 79, when you cut it a tad bit shorter and made it curly. Mavis shook her head. Going to the beginning of the book.

"You were married?" Mavis looked up at you as you sighed.

"Yes," you almost cried looking at the picture.

"In the 1300s, right before the Renaissance, I met a man who wasn't afraid of me. He was human, but that didn't matter. When I showed him my true demon form, we zinged." You said, smiling at the picture.

You tore the picture out when Mavis saw something funny in it. She thought she could recognize something.

The page burned, "I do not wish to remember that."

Mavis looked at her questioningly, "he was taken from me too soon."

You pulled your hair up as Mavis squealed, "this one!"

It was of you in '65, sitting in your human form in a Malt shop with neck length hair and bangs. You propped the book out, taking out a pair of sharp shears.

You started cutting chunks off around the length she wanted, making clean, precise, cuts. You were used to cutting hair, since you didn't trust anyone with your own.

Her hair was now at shoulder length, "shorter."

You nodded and cut it to the length in the book. Cleaning up any spots that were wonky along the way. She turned and smiled.

"Ooh, I love it! Thank you!" Mavis yelled, giving you a big hug.

You smiled, "I'm going to get your father, I'll be back. Do you still want to look through the book?"

Mavis laid on her bed with the book in hand, "yeah! I'm going to. Clean up. But I love seeing your styles."

You smiled as Mavis picked up the broom and started to sweep. You walked out of the room. Mavis swept the floor, bumping the book off of its stand.

"Oops," Mavis bent down to pick it up, only to see what page it landed on.

1954, you walking along the sidewalk in Madrid wearing a bold red and black suit. Your hair up in a long ponytail and unique bangs in the shape of a 'V'.

Mavis stopped for a moment, glancing at the mirror, then the scissors laying on her dresser.


"Dracula, I'm telling you she looks darling." You smiled, holding his arm as you walked down the hallway.

"I trust you, Y/n, my daughter looks up to you." Dracula smiled opening the door.

Mavis froze, facing away from the door, scissors in hand, "uhm, hey."

You looked at her, "Mavis?"

"Please don't be mad." Mavis said.

She turned and you gasped, "I dropped the book and saw your bangs, which made me think I could do them..."

You smiled, "Drac, give me a moment to fix her bangs."

His heart thumped in a familiar way. Nodding, he sat down. Watching you gently cut her bangs evenly he smiled to himself.

'Mavis needs a strong female in her life, maybe having her around wouldn't be so bad?' Dracula thought.

A marriage of convenience. Of course he was lonely, but lonely enough to remarry? Yes. Yes he was. You were a beautiful woman, strong, successful, independent. You reminded him of someone, but he couldn't remember who. It wasn't his late wife Martha, since she was the opposite of you, it had to have been someone before then. He felt drawn to you, but couldn't place why.

"Done! What do you think?" You turned her to the mirror as she screamed.

"Oh! I love it! Thank you!" She hugged you again.

"Dad! What do you think? Do you like it?" Mavis turned to her dad.

"I absolutely love it, my little tarantula." He smiled, kissing her head.

The meal bell rang from below, catching your attention, "can we go eat? Like, the three of us?"

You looked at Dracula to speak, knowing that you'd be fine to go, "I don't see why not."

You smiled as Mavis held your hand on the way out, "I like this." She whispered.

"I like this too." You whispered back.

Unfortunately, a worried pair of green eyes watched as the three of you left.

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