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You cheered with the rest of the people as Dennis attempted to blow out his candles.

You stood next to Linda and Mike as they told you about their latest vacation, "and people said there were demon sightings while we were on the trip."

"I've never met a demon before, but I'm not sure they'd be too friendly." Linda put a hand on her chest as she sighed.

You stirred your drink, "Not all of them are friendly, but not all are mean either. Similar to humans, they have their flaws that they can't get rid of. The nicest ones are succubae and incubi.

They do what they have to do to survive, but otherwise, they love having human companions to spend time with, especially if they have already found a partner. They enjoy having platonic friendships."

Linda raised an eyebrow, "really? Do you have any friends you could introduce us to? I would've been worried that Mike or I would be distracted, but that would've been back when we started dating. I love expanding my friend groups."

You looked at Linda, "If it helps, I know for sure that you two are solid as a rock, but as for meeting my friend," you glanced at Mike before turning your attention back to Linda and smiled, "When they're ready, I'll introduce them."

Linda smiled and continued to talk to you about her children, and if you and Dracula planned on having more, "I mean, I understand the age gap would be very big, especially with Dennis and all, but are you fine with not having any children? Besides Mavis, of course."

You shook your head, "I've always dreamed of having many children, but I don't believe that Dracula would want any more."

"Well, have you communicated that with him?" You looked at Mike in surprise.

"Well... no, not at the moment." You looked out the window as a familiar plum fog stained the air.

"Don't leave the hotel tonight." Linda looked to you in confusion.

"But our plane leaves -" Linda tried to argue with you, but you gave her a look.

"I'll have my assistant cancel your flight for a refund. You'll take my jet when it's safe." You looked at Mike, and you nodded, "I'll be back. Don't look for me."

Linda stared at you in confusion as you left the party.

You had to in order to transform.


Your second form may not be as mighty as your final form, but it was larger and stronger than your first, which was just enough to get the job done.

You tracked down where the magic was coming from and found the latest dead body, "Somehow, I knew you'd been here." The voice. however, did not startle you.

"Manakel, shouldn't you be in heaven, dancing for joy with the others?" You questioned the angel who sat before the body.

"Peace is being threatened, and it is my job to fix it. The same way it is yours to find who stole demonic magic and is using it to kill innocents.

People are going before their time." He dragged his sword, plucking the soul shards that were left.

"They can't even rest in peace because this thing is stealing their souls..." He sighed, dropping the shards in his satchel.

"I can only track down the body after it has been killed. That's when it leaves track's behind." You picked up the body, transforming it into an orb, then placing it gently in a box for it to go with the others.

"This would be so much easier if you were an angel." You stood up, looking away from the being in the tree.

"We both know my parents gave up that right, meaning it's not a choice for me." You wrote a small report.

"And it would be so much easier if you actually talked to God instead of making assumptions." He climbed out of the tree, his large form towering over you as he played with your hair.

"God would turn me away, same as he did with the others." You sighed as you finished the report.

"And this would be less painful for me if you weren't married." He dropped the piece of hair he was playing with, wiping his golden tears out of his face, his white hands covered in the substance as he brushed the white hair from his face, "Why couldn't I have met you first?"

I believe now is the time I tell you about a rare occurrence. A nod dublu, known in English as a double knot. When a person has two soulmates. It is about a 1 in two billion chance that it is to happen. Angels have a 1/777 chance of getting a soulmate as is.

But Manakel was simply unlucky to have a demon lord as his soulmate. One that was married at that.

He knew the rules of the demon realm but wished there were a way for him to be able to love you and feel that love in return.

You wiped his tears away, "Stay at my cottage until you feel better, we'll come up with some sort of plan for this to work.

He nodded as you helped the man up. While you may be 6'2 now, the creature still had more than two feet on you, "You'll need to stay in your human form. We have Christians staying at the hotel."

He sniffled, "Right, your in-laws." He plopped himself on your couch as he looked through spell books, "Do you really think we'll find it one day?"

You kissed his forehead and gave him a sad smile, "I'm sure we are very close to finding the answers we need."

You walked out of the cottage, back towards the hotel, but now in your human form. You saw your husband standing at the entrance.

"Where were you? What was that?" He questioned as you gave a staff member your coat for them to hang.

"I was investigating the power surge. That was Manakel." You walked past him.

"Why is he in your cottage?" Dracula walked behind you, following you into your room.

"Because he's an angel who is helping me restore these lost souls and return the demonic power back to me. I need him to be easily accessible." You stripped your clothing as you started getting ready for bed.

"Are you telling me everything?" He asked as he followed you to the bathroom.

"We're currently looking for a way to send him to a parallel universe so he can be with his soul mate." You started brushing your teeth.

"Why do I get the feeling that you're not telling me everything." He tapped his foot as he got ready for bed, too.

"Because I'm not. Manakel is in a nod dublu with me, and I'm with you." You spit the toothpaste out fully, "and I'm thinking about having more children."

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Status: Unedited

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