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Y/n= your name
H/c= hair color
Y/h= your height
E/c= eye color
S/c=skin color

Xibalba- {zee-ball-baa}


You sat at the table by yourself, stressed because of the way your mother was pushing you to get married, you were only 829 years old, you had time. And suitors weren't a problem either, the only problem is that your father put many ideas in your head about finding your soulmate, or zing. That's how he found your mother, but she had other ideas.

You looked at your empty plate in contemplation, "Here, you haven't approached the food bar yet, so I assumed that you're thinking about today's meeting."

Dracula sat down next to you, replacing your empty plate with a plate full of food, "Bagels and Scream Cheese? My favorite. I thought that Dragon fruit wasn't in season?"

He smiled, "I pulled a few strings."

You looked at him through your sunglasses gratefully, biting into the bagel, "I don't want to pressure you, you have your family. I just have to deal with Bog... for the rest of my life."

Dracula sighed, "I'm sorry. I wish things were different for you."

"Hey! There she is! My wife-to-be!" Bog sat next to you pulling you into his cold embrace.

You still resisted, "I have a while to get married Bog, and I didn't chose you."

Bog smirked, "But it's obvious that you aren't going to marry pasty here. So why try, you know you can't resist me."

You turned your head in disgust, "Bog leave,"

"You heard the lady, leave." Dracula stood up, watching as Bog stood up.

He scoffed and stood up, "Stop acting like you're even in the running, look at her. You were married and look at how that turned out."

Bog walked away as you held Dracula's hand, "Bog's an ass. Don't listen to him Dracula, I'm sure your marriage was wonderful."

You kissed his knuckles, then walked away.


Mavis flew through the cemetery, looking at the graves as they shone in the moonlight. She landed once she saw a woman with sunglasses sitting on a grave. She yelled, throwing her sunglasses at another grave.
The woman burst into flames as she screamed, then the flames extinguished. The woman sat on the grounded, looking upset.

Mavis slowly approached her, "a-are you okay?"

The woman jumped, "Sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone to be here."

The woman was y/h and had e/c eyes, her skin was read and her h/c hair was up in a pony tail. The woman seemed to observe Mavis.

"Oh, you must be Dracula's daughter... how embarrassing." The woman sat down, holding her sunglasses that didn't have a scratch, "I'm sorry. I don't remember your name."

Mavis sat down and chuckled, "It's Mavis...and you are?"

You looked at her, "Oh, how rude of me. I'm Y/n-"

"Y/n of the Inferno! My dad told me about you. I think you made him flustered." Mavis giggled.

Y/n smiled, "your father is a very nice person, who has a gorgeous daughter. How old are you, 94?"

You brushed her hair back to look at her face better as Mavis laughed, "No! I'm only 85."

"The cemetery is no place for a child, it's too serious... let's go do something fun, shall we?" You stood up, pulling her with you.

She smiled as you transformed into a bat, her following your lead, you both headed to the hotel.


Bog leaned against the window, watching you and Mavis get along. He crushed the wine glass in his hand as his pitch replaced it and absorbed the mess. A knock at the door made Bog smile, his pitch opened the door, revealing the conniving Xibalba.

"Sit, old friend." Bog smiled pulling out his own chair and sitting down.

Pitch pulled out Xibalba's chair, then pushing it back in once he sat down, "Xibalba, we've both know how long I've wanted Y/n. We both know that the only way for her to not marry me is through Dracula."

He paused, taking a sip of his wine, "you and Y/n are close. I want you to make Dracula not seem like an option."

"Why should I help you? As you said, Y/n is a close friend of mine. She shouldn't have been dragged into this agreement in the first place." Xibalba glared at the Bogeyman as he laughed, swirling his wine.

"I don't think you understand your position here. Did you forget about La Muerte?" Bog pulled out a card, sliding it to Xibalba, "I'm sure you wouldn't want your secret out. So If you want it to stay hidden, humor me."

Xibalba stared at the card in terror, "I-"

He started to think, his heart hurt. Either betray his best friend, the one who was there and supportive since they met, or betray his love, the woman of his dreams who was accepting even when he messed up, or cheated in their bets.

Xibalba looked at LA Muerte who was by the poolside with Manananggal and Banshee.

"Remember, what I want you to do is simple. Make sure that Y/n doesn't think Dracula should be a suitor. Give some shitty lie, anything like that. As long as she doesn't question it or marry him over me." Bog looked at his notebook.

"By giving her no other option, she'll have to marry me. There's no way she'll let that idiot brother of yours into the counsel. I've figured that in two weeks time, I can break Y/n's fighting spirit and she'll be all mine."

Xibalba watched Bog as he opened a box, "this potion will make Y/n 'zing' with the first monster she sees. In one week, Dracula will be hosting a party for his hotels anniversary. During that time you need to slip this in her drink and I will propose to her then."

Xibalba stared at the bottle in the Bogeyman's hands, "nothing can break this spell... not even a true zing. The next week we'll get married. This potion should only be used if you can't deter her before the party."

"I can't do this to Y/n..." Bog looked at Xibalba.

"So you're fine if La Muerte finds out?" Bog stared into Xibalba's green hues.

With one swift motion Xibalba picked up the small bottle, "Fine. I'm in."

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