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You sat by Dracula as he focused on his bingo game. You were starting to fall asleep, and you wanted so desperately to have some fun. He looked around with a wide grin as everyone focused on the game.

You looked over to see Johnny falling asleep next to Mavis as she sat there, also bored, "bingo! Bingo!"

You turned to see the little gremlin lady eat Eunice's board as she yelled, enraged, "How dare you? Do you know what doctor made me?"

The lady gave her a side eye, "I didn't do that."

You groaned and slumped against the table. This was going to be a long hour.

Later, you sat by Johnny, while many monsters played charades in the gymnasium. You could've cried out of boredom when suddenly Johnny pulled a scooter and started letting people skate with it until the gremlin lady ate that too.


You were wearing a more modest one-piece, moon-bathing when Mavis motioned for you to come over, Johnny scooting closer to her so that you could fit a chair in between.

"How did you deal with the mobs?" Mavis asked, looking at Johnny as everyone watched him intensely.

"Yeah, it does get pretty crazy in the summer, but you know, you just gotta roll." Johnny spoke with a smile.

You, on the other hand, were watching Dracula's head peak up from various parts of the table to spy on the conversation. It wasn't until his head popped up next to your thigh that you decided to pull him up towards you.

"Traveling as a monster isn't the hardest thing in the world." You looked at your group.

"It's easy for you because you have a human form." The floating glasses moved to the side, giving you a sassy attitude as always.

Dracula suddenly pushed Johnny back, moving towards Mavis with a bagel, "Look, love droppings, I brought you a bagel with your favorite on it, scream cheese."

"Holy rabies, thanks, dad, Johnny. Try some scream cheese. It's awesome." Mavis handed the bagel to Johnny as you noticed him panic.

You watched as Dracula made up some excuse to drag Johnny away from the group, everyone staring at them while Dracula was whispering very loud.

"Mom? What are they doing?" Mavis held your hand as she looked towards Johnny and Dracula.

"Your father's been a bit weird since he showed up, I think it has something to do with the fact that he likes you." You sipped your juice.

"He likes me?" Mavis looked quickly at Johnny as the rest of the monsters looked at the two of them whispering.

"I believe so, he didn't even react in the succubi sauna." Your eyes shifted as Johnny walked towards the stairs of the pool.

Mavis didn't reply, staring at Johnny as a monster jumped on his back, "I'm on your back!"

"No! No! He said, 'Oh, my back' not 'get on my back'!" Dracula exclaimed as different monsters jumped in the pool to play chicken.

You stood up, "Go play, princess of darkness." You joked as she ran towards the pool, "Don't get hurt!"

You laughed as she was thrown onto another monster's back, you then being picked up by a cyclops who ran to the pool. A siren on a minotaur was your competitor as you pushed each other.

It made you feel like a teenager, living the years you never got to experience since you were so focused on taking reign of your circles of hell.

You both were tied, since this siren was unnaturally strong, suddenly the water disappeared, and someone dragged you off the monsters back. You saw Johnny falling from the diving pool and rushed to save him when Dracula froze him in place.

He moved Blobby under him and unfroze time around him. Johnny fell harshly into Blobby, sticking a thumbs up as you breathed a sigh of relief.

Dracula walked next to you, whispering, "I'll deal with you later."

You sighed, walking to your room to change, seeing as Dracula was majorly triggered by Johnny.


You stepped out of the shower; the steam filled the bathroom as it escaped the shower. Grabbing your towel, you dried your body and wrapped your hair, leaving your towel to dry while you slipped your silk robe on.

You opened the bathroom door to see Dracula sitting in the loveseat, his eyes widening, and his face flushed.

"What?" You knew what was happening and didn't bother to help him. You loved watching him suffer.

"Nothing." He crossed his legs awkwardly, "Stop telling Mavis it's okay to do dangerous things."

"What?" You sat in front of him on the bed as he looked you in the eyes, "Mavis needs a good influence, not someone who tells her to be more adventurous and make her go into the human world."

"Don't worry, after that last human attack, I doubt she would want to go, but she shouldn't be scared, she should be brave. I don't need my little girl to be traumatized more." You shifted in your seat as he sighed.

"I'm serious, I don't need Mavis with that human boy, he's no good for her-"

"Johnny's human?" Drac's eyes widened, "That makes this a lot more interesting."

The vampire sighed, rubbing his temple, "Just don't let this out, I don't need to create panic in the hotel."

You stood up, "is that all?" he nodded, "If you want to watch me change, all you have to do is say 'please', darling."

You smiled as he slowly sunk back into the chair, "I suppose I have a couple of minutes to spare,"

"You've been so tense because of this party, let me help you out," He looked at your eyes, seeing they haven't changed to pink.

"Sufletul meu." Suddenly it clicked to him, unlocking something he couldn't remember before.


You swam by the lake, smiling at the man who was sitting on the picnic blanket, "Won't you join me?"

"Why should I?" He smiled as you swam closer, "the water feels nice, but..." you locked eyes with him, "I feel nicer."

You smiled as he inched closer, "mmm no."

"Please sufletul meu." He inhaled and sat back.

"When you call me that, my heart soars." he covered his face as you chuckled.

"Vladimir... come with me." He looked into your eyes, seeing they were still e/c and not pink.

He felt his heart thud as he slipped his shirt off, running a hand through his dark hair. Your eyes trailed down as he got ready to join you in the water.


You played with the dark strands of hair as the maroon silk sheets draped over the both of you. his head against your chest with his eyes closed, he held your legs around his waist.

"I needed that." Dracula sighed and kissed your wrist.

You hummed, knowing that he was actually relaxed. You weren't sure what prompted him to be so open, but you weren't complaining. There weren't many instances where he would be intimate with you, but when he was, it was almost like he was his old self again.

About fifteen minutes passed by when you could hear workers looking for Dracula. He sighed as he slowly got up, "Hey," He looked at you, "It's okay to take a break from time to time, Johnny means no harm, once the party's over, we send him back. I'll talk to Mavis, but something doesn't feel right about him leaving."

Dracula furrowed his eyebrows, "I'll tell you when you have time."

You kissed him, and held his face, "It will be alright. Be safe."

The next words said made your heart flutter.

He locked eyes with your e/c eyes, "I will, întregul meu."

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