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You could sense Dracula nearby and slipped the book back on the shelf. You decided that you wanted to throw him off a bit, so you grabbed Fifty Shades of Grey and sat on your windowsill.

Slowly the candles started to go out, making the room a bit colder, so you wrapped yourself up in a blanket, wanting to drift to sleep, but couldn't make yourself comfortable enough to fall asleep.

You heard a knock at the door and opened it for Dracula, who had brought an iced vanilla chai latte and your favorite dessert straight from the kitchen to make you feel better. The best part was that he made it himself.

You looked up from your old sketchbook that was hidden inside said book you had taken out, "Y/n?" He slipped inside, "I brought you something that I thought might cheer you up."

He stopped and stuttered when he saw the book you were reading, almost dropping the golden tray, "Is something wrong?" he shook his head, coughing a bit before approaching you."

You gave him a slight smile, handing him the book in return for the tray, his pale face flushed as he held the book, You bit into the desert as you watched him awkwardly hold the book, "Do you mind reading it to me while I read?"

He stopped, "Uhm, No... I don't" He slowly opened the book, only to realize there was another book inside, flipping through the pages he realized those were drawings of you and himself.

He felt a pang inside of his heart as a headache occurred, he saw the dates labeled well before he thought you two knew each other, yet one style was drawings of him in various locations and clothes - sometimes none at all - while the other side looked like his art form, just drawings of you.


"So why don't you just use your magic to reveal it to him?" Johnny asked while sitting with you as you applied more makeup.

"He needs to remember on his own, her magic was so unstable, that any reverse spell could rupture the memories and all would be lost, including current ones, reverting him back into his non-domesticated form." You finished the blue makeup, making it look realistic as possible.

"What will you do when you finish your travels? There are only so many places you can go you know." His face dropped.

"I know, I really don't want to go back to California though." You looked at him, "Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but here feels like home, with Mavis and Dracula. It's like you're the mother who was meant to raise me, which sounds extremely wrong now that I think about it."

You chuckled, fixing his hair as he kept rambling, "...like I know if my mother didn't raise me, I wouldn't be here right now, but you... you don't get mad at me for asking questions, or making weird noises, or bringing up random facts, you genuinely enjoy spending time with me."

You held his hand, "If you do decide that you want to leave Transylvania, it's your choice, but if you just happen to be looking for a travel buddy, let me know if when you're in the market."

He smiled, hugging you, "Thanks Y/n, you're the best."

You gave him a tight squeeze, "You deserve it, Johnny."


There was loud noise and bright flashing lights, as you danced the night away. Mavis had decided to get dressed on her own, so you left it outside her door as you partied with Eunice, Frank, and Griffin.

You saw Johnny dancing a ways a way, and even Dracula taking over the dance floor, laughing at him and his guards breaking it down he appeared next to you and spun you around, "Now this is a party!"

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