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Sorry this came out late, I haven't been feeling the best.

I'm also sorry if I missed your question, if I did, please feel free to let me know!

[Locked] means that someone, most likely my editor, is asking a question that hasn't appeared in the book yet (referring to the third movie).


Who is Vladimir?
Vladimir is Dracula's real name when he was human. If I remember correctly he's Vladimir the III or IV, but regardless of, it's a family name passed down through generations.

Who is Manakel? 
Manakel is the angel of peace, also Y/n's second soul mate. He's an angel of virtue, which is why he has a title, because he is important in heaven's ranks.

How long has Manakel known Y/n? Why can't they be together?
Manakel met Y/n right after she had her baby. There's a lot having to do with her and her son that will be explained in later chapters, but if you're still confused by the time the second movie is over, let me know and I'll explain whatever you don't understand.

Was Zuriel the child of Y/n and Dracula's baby from when he was alive?
To put it simply, yes. Zuriel was born out of wedlock from Y/n and Vladimir (Dracula).

How does Y/n age? 
Her age goes up every year, but in a more specific way, demon's age very fast. Depending on what kind of demon they are, the times they stop physically aging varies anywhere from 20-30s.

How many siblings does Y/n have?
She has six siblings, making her the oldest of seven, each of them have their own domain and only a few of them will be shown in the series.

What does her family look like? Family Tree? Do they have to do with the Seven Deadly Sins because Y/n is a succubus (lust)?
Lucifer and Lilith marry and have eight children who each have their own domain, Y/n (Lust-1), her sister Hecate (Pride-4), her brother Leviathan (Envy-5), her brother Anhur (Wrath-2), the twins Hiducia (sister) and Mammon (brother) (Greed-3), her youngest sister Nyx (Sloth-7), and finally her youngest sibling, her brother Parashiv, otherwise known as Pugsley (Gluttony-6). At some point we will see all of these characters if you haven't already.


What was Y/n's part of Martha's curse?
This is a complicated answer, but to simplify it, she cannot reverse the curse or restore his memories and must let time take it's course and hope that he remembers her.



Did Y/n kill Martha?
Yes, if you didn't catch it, re-read 1-6, where Johnny and Y/n are talking. If you pay close enough attention, you'll understand how it happened.

How did Y/n get the throne?
A demon's domain grows based off of how influential they are in the overworld. Lust is the most influential, followed by wrath, Greed, so on so forth (read the family tree for the domain rating). 

She created enough demons to spread her lust enough, so that it was ingrained into their souls without demon intervention needed, but it's still fun to mess with humans, especially when the demons feed off of the sexual energy.

Because she is the most influential, she rules over the Inferno, which is most of hell and contains the demon domains, hence why she is referred to as 'Y/n of  the Inferno' instead of 'Y/n, Demon of Lust', this new title overrules all previous ones because it is the most important.

Why do her siblings hate her so much?
Not all of them, but some of them hate her because they feel that they should be the ruler of the Inferno instead of Y/n, upset that they have some of the smallest influence.

Can you explain Y/n's visceral reaction when Dracula said she had never given birth before?
That's because they had a son. I can't reveal too much without spoiling later chapters, but as previous chapters state, he died when he was young, but Dracula wouldn't remember this because of the curse.


Is Dracula going to remember his past life with Y/n?
Honestly, I don't really know. I think so, but keep in mind that I don't have a plan for this book and write as I go. I hope so though. He already remembers bits and pieces that he can't explain just yet. So, most likely, but the happy ending is what I'm most unsure about.

How many forms does Y/n have?
She has four forms, one human one that she can customize at will, and three demon forms that represent the power she holds and decides to use at that moment. 

Will we see all of her forms?
Yes, at different points in the book.

How many of Y/n's forms has Dracula seen?
He has seen her human form and first demon form in person, and her second form only through magazines, interviews, etc.

How tall are the characters? How tall are Y/n's forms?
Dracula is 6'1 (185.42 cm), Mavis is 5'6 (167.64 cm), Johnny is 5'8 (172.72 cm).
Y/n's human form 5'7 (170.18 cm), 1st demon form - 5'10 (177.8 cm), 2nd demon form - 6'3 (190.53 cm), 3rd demon form - 7'5 (226.06 cm). Yes, she's tall, I know.



How does the Demon Realm work? And the Heavenly Realm?
The Demon Realm is just a structured version of the overworld where there are shops and apartments and all of that, you made sure that it was easier than living on earth, especially after the deal that God gave you. Unfortunately, that's only for your domain, it gets worse the farther in you go, because hell is corrupt.

The Heavenly Realm is the opposite of that, where people don't need to work to survive, only if they want to. They can live in whatever kind of home they want with whomever they please, family, significant other, etc. 

What are Demons? What are Angels?
Demons are servants of chaos who want to spread their domain across the overworld, whether it be pushing someone to kill or to buy an overly expensive coat, their purpose varies depending on which region they're from.

Angels, similar to Demons, have a purpose, just specific to them. And while there are different types of demons, there are different types of angels too, representing their rank of importance.

Are Demons and Angels born the way they are or do they become that way?
Angels are created to be sinless until they choose sin. A demon can be born a demon, become a fallen angel, or a wretched human who became a low level demon.

Can a Demon change their status the way that Angels can?
Yes, a demon or citizen of the Inferno can become a citizen of heaven, just not an angel, angels are only created.

Does Dennis like Y/n?
Yes, he actually prefers Y/n to Dracula, even though Dracula spends the most time with him.

Are you doing the third book?
Yes, it says so in the description of this book.


That was all of the questions that I received or could find throughout the book.

If I missed any, let me know, but for now I'm going to work on today's chapter which will be posted soon.

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