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God smiled, watching the other universe, "Hey, Gabriel, look at this."

Gabriel walked over with his intern, "I forget you can do that."

Gabriel smiled, watching his best friend with the woman he loved as his intern looked at a ball, "what is this?"

He flicked it, sending an orb flying, "Oops."

God looked at the woman, "... shit."

He sat back and switched universes, "we'll deal with that later."

"Right now," Gabriel handed God a bucket of popcorn, "one of my favorite shows is on."

"These are people's lives -" Gabriel was hushed by God, who started munching.


Dracula woke up to the smell of sweet cinnamon and oranges. The idea of his wife making food terrified him.

He knew he could be sick, but was it really that bad?

"Darling, I made you your favorite..." You laid the tray down as you contemplated on telling him the news.

"What's wrong?" He held your hand while you hesitated.

"I won't be in Transylvania for our anniversary, I'm so sorry, my love." You apologized.

He squeezed your hands and looked at you, "Why, what happened?"

"I sponsor a cruise, and my friend who captains the ship needs me for the new season." You kissed his knuckles as jealousy flooded his heart.

"Captain? I've never heard you talk about a captain." He gripped his mug tightly, looking at you.

"Mhm." You ate your porridge next to him, "I don't usually discuss work or business with you outside of the hotel."

Dracula held you close, making you almost drop your bowl, "Do you have to go?"

You hummed, "You know I need to make appearances at these things."

He thought for a moment, then nodded, "All right. Mavis was thinking about taking a family vacation anyway. So we'll just meet at the vacation spot."

You looked at your husband and smiled as he lied to you, "I'm so glad you're supportive."

You kissed him and stood up, "I'll start packing, I leave tomorrow."

Dracula watched you walk to the walk-in closet he built you, scheming as you packed.


"Pack up, we're going on vacation." Dracula told his family as they stared at him in horror.

"Vacation? You? Mr. Workaholic?" Frank asked, holding some of the wolfpups.

"Dad, I had a surprise vacation for us!" Mavis whined while Johnny and Dennis played 'Sorry!'.

Dracula shrugged, "That's too bad. Y/n is going on a cruise that she sponsors, and I think that it would be nice if we went in support of her."

Mavis sighed in relief, "Good, my tickets aren't going to waste."

"So it's all settled, we leave tonight to make tomorrow's boarding to surprise Y/n." Dracula clasped his hands as Dennis cheered for his Mama Y/n.


The airport was horrible, not to mention the airplane had a hole in the ceiling. Dracula made a mental note to never let his daughter plan trips again.

Johnny hoisted Dennis on his shoulders so he could see over the pier, "Ooo, boat!"

The whole time they walked on the dock, Dracula couldn't help but look around for his wife. Maybe she was taking an interview?

Or maybe that captain guy was hitting on her, and she was extremely uncomfortable. Maybe that guy was bringing her there to go to a remote island and keep her there forever.

Dracula kept spiraling as he searched for his wife as he boarded the ship when suddenly, a tall person in a pantsuit swung in the air doing acrobatics.

His family stood there, amazed... but him? Not so much, he was too focused on finding his wife.

The tall blonde woman smiled, intent lurking behind her eyes as she crushed the enchanted dry petals between her fingers and blew them into the air. The red mist flooded Dracula's senses as the curse slowly let down its guard.

She welcomed the people, keeping her eyes on the prize, "Ahoy there! Welcome aboard! Bienvenido! Willkommen! Dobro pozhalovat! Huanyíng! Rawr!"

She gave a sweet smile, "I am Captain Ericka. And, yes, I'm human. But don't hold that against me. I could not be more excited to have all of you on board our first-ever monster cruise!"

The monsters applauded as Dracula looked at her in shock, "She's a woman? We spent $5,000 dollars to make sure your mother wasn't being hit on by her?"

Mavis hit her father's arm, "Lighten up dad."

Ericka dropped to the floor and spoke to the people, "For so long, monsters were hiding, living in the shadows, but not anymore! You've stood up and waved your hand or claw or tentacle and said, 'We're here, we're hairy, and it is our right to be scary!'

Now it's time to celebrate! You'll enjoy gourmet dining, thrilling adventures, and nonstop entertainment, all on the way to our final destination, the lost city that isn't lost anymore, Atlantis!"

She smiled as she saw purple mist leave the man's body, "And for a special surprise... the woman who sponsored this cruise, and my best friend... Y/n of the Inferno!"

The people applauded as you waved from the bar in a matching white outfit, except this one was a dress, "Don't be shy and say hi when you see us around."

And with that a new show started and Ericka walked back to the cruise bar with her best friend, "Ugh! I can't believe that dick-bag decided to come to this cruise."

She sat back and drank her mimosa angrily as you laughed, "Honey, he's my husband, not some... guy."

She clicked her tongue as she watched your husband look at you adoringly, some dumb smile stuck on his face, "I know, I know... but after all he's put you through. Y/n, please... you can do so much better."

You shook your head, "I don't want better, I want him."


Sorry for the delay, I'm getting writer's burn-out.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me for more!

Especially for the next sequel.

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