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You called for some zombies, three of which took note on what you needed to make your wedding dress. You started to sketch it out, then a knock at the door broke your concentration.

You walked to the door and to your dismay, it was your fiancé, "Hello, Y/n. I wanted to remind you that we are wearing red. Oh- and you are creating my suit. I don't care how long it takes you, it just needs to fit perfectly, and make me look like a god. I don't care how badly you want a white dress, it's going to be red."

"I'm going back to planning our wedding with Dracula. Ironic, isn't it?" He chuckled, "I can't wait for you to surrender everything to me."

He said, rolling his cuffs and walking away, chuckling to himself while Mavis watched the encounter. She couldn't believe a strong woman like you was going to be taken advantage of by a man like him.

As soon as you closed the door, you heard another knock, opening it to find Mavis, "Do... do you think I could spend some time here with you before you, uhm... leave?"

You looked at the young girl before opening the door, "I'm not doing much, I'm just trying to create two outfits that match his themes."

She looked at the sketches on the ground, taking a few for herself (incase she did never see you again) to remember you by, "aren't you supposed to have a say in your wedding? He should let you plan too."

You shook your head, cupping her face, "you're much too young to understand right now, devil cakes."

She watched as you designed and tweaked his suit, considering you were to be wed in two days, you didn't have much time, "Mavis, please get the door. If it's the mannequins I've requested, ask them to put them in the middle, there."

You pointed as you continued to color in the sketch, finding a good color scheme that would match his grey skin. As you predicted the mannequins came first, then the fabrics. You always kept a sewing kit on you incase of a fashion emergency, but this took the cake.

You asked Mavis if she wanted to help you, to which she said yes of course, and you handed her a list of other things you needed, but the zombies couldn't find. Extra thread in specific colors, fabric shears, a clothing measuring tape, and a few more items.

Mavis couldn't help but admire your beautiful handwriting as she found her father to ask where these things were, "Hey dad, do you know where I can find these? Y/n is making her and her fiancé's clothes for the wedding and needs these."

Dracula nodded, heading into the storage room, "Ah, so she told you."

Mavis shook her head, "No, I overheard their conversation as I was going to her room to spend time with her. He's really mean, dad."

Dracula shook off the feeling of jealousy and displeasure, "Now, why would you say that? Would anyone really get married if they didn't like their partner?"

"He said something about her having to surrender herself to him? Or power? I'm not really sure, but it was in a very threatening tone and she didn't look happy." Mavis watched her father cross something off the list as he handed it to her.

"Maybe you misread the conversation? Or you didn't hear all of it?" Dracula asked handing her almost everything.

"I don't think so dad. If only you saw her, he even told her she wasn't allowed to choose her own dress." Mavis thanked her dad for the supplies and left.

Dracula thought to himself, maybe he should check up on you? He looked at the paper and noticed writing that his thumb covered. Fabric Shears. He needed to get those to you, might as well check up on you as well.

He walked through the halls, at one point even passed the chosen venue where the wedding would be held. He could see Bog there with your bestfriend. He didn't question it, yet could hear them talking loudly, though didn't want to interrupt.

"You can't do that to her!" Dracula could hear Xibalba scream at Bog.

"I'll do what I like!" Bogeyman seethed with rage.

Dracula was now starting to believe his daughter. Picking up the pace, he knocked on the door to your room, seeing Mavis open it. Mavis let him in the room, then went back to her spot, watching you work.

It hurt Dracula to see both of you hurting, he knew how much his daughter cared for you, but didn't know the extent. He could see that you cared for her too.

He watched you draw the final draft of the the suit, pining it to the board as you finally noticed Dracula. He handed you the fabric shears, you thanking him before going back to work. You threaded the sewing machine and started working on the measurements.

Dracula sat down, next to his daughter as she watched you, completely mesmerized with how flawlessly and effortless you made it seem. He couldn't help but be enamored as well, though he could tell you were suffering.


Xibalba had gone to the Bogeyman to convince him to change his mind, "Please! She has worked so hard to get to where she is now!"

Bog laughed, telling the zombies what kinds of flowers he wanted, the curtain types, and was trying to finish the menu, "And? Soon all of that power will be mine. I don't care how long it took, all that matters is that soon I will be one of the most powerful monsters in history."

"But that isn't your power to take! You did nothing you lazy son of a leper's ass! She worked for millennia for what she has, and you believe that you are entitled to her throne, her legacy through marriage?" Xibalba started to raise his voice, he could never control his anger.

"But that's how life works! Is it my fault that her mother offered her hand? No. But I see an opportunity, I take it." Bog finished choosing the menu, circling what he wanted.

"You can't do that to her!" Xibalba screamed at Bog.

"I'll do what I like!" Bogeyman seethed with rage, "She's my fiancé, mine! Not yours, not Dracula's, mine!"

"Because she didn't have any other choice!" Xibalba argued.

Bog turned to him, "you seemed to forget our deal, Xibalba."

"I'm sure you wouldn't want La Muerte to know about that thing, now would you?" Bog smiled.

"I don't care at this point. You know what, I'll save you the trouble and tell her myself." Bog's smile disappeared as Xibalba walked out of the room to find his wife.

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