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Books flew across the library as you cursed. There was no monster who was capable of harnessing demonic power to this extent.

It had been more than five years, yet no trail besides the one left on the disfigured bodies. It didn't help that Manakel was still living in your cottage.

Not only did you not find what was the cause of things dying, but you couldn't find a way for Manakel to be happy without you.

You walked back to the portal back to the hotel, then walked back to the cottage, your heart was split, but you were dealing with it the best you could.

"It's not fair." You slumped in your couch as he looked up from the crime scene photos.

"Nothing?" His white eyes pierced your soul as you shook your head.

"No monster without demon help, nothing about portals to parallel universes either." You buried your head in your hands as pale skin contrasted your own.

If you didn't know any better, you would've thought he was dead, "Stop looking for answers that aren't for the case. You don't need to do anything for me. This is more than enough as is."

"But it's not. You're not happy, and I can feel that you're not happy." You looked up, trying to keep your tears inside as much as possible.

But to no avail, they fell, "I'm failing." They fell hard, "I can't do anything, and I feel so..."

Just like you, "helpless."

Manakel sat down by your side, holding you close, "We may not be able to do anything about my situation, but people are dying, innocent monsters are being slaughtered. We need to find an answer before all else."

You checked the clock on the wall, "I have to get to a party, I apologize, but I said I would go. I'll make an appearance, then come back to help you as much as I can."

You conjured some more books and left them on the table, "We'll figure this out, together, I promise."

You didn't know if it was wrong to love Manakel the way you did, but, then again Vladimir did the same to you. You just wanted to stop him from hurting, the way he wanted Vladimir to die for hurting you in a way he had never seen before.

Unfortunately, he didn't meet you before Vladimir, now did he?


"It's just not fair how my eldest sister took to the throne as she did." Deep slate claws dragged across a sofa as different shades of blue claws dragged along the demon's chest.

"No, it's not, now is it? " Many feminine voices cooed at the man as their nails dragged along his Yinmn leather like skin.

"She doesn't even give us any credit. Who else would keep misery company, such as I?" He lamented as the women talked, attempting to cheer him up.

The women's words rang through the halls, but not in his ears, as he was too focused on wallowing in his sorrow to notice.

His aleutian eyes glazed over as he stared at the remaining soul shards, "this won't be enough, though."

"I would need to claim the rest of the soul shards to kill my bitch of a sister." A purple glare reflected off of his eyes as he sat up, absorbing the shards.


"Wanda! Hi! I'm so thankful for the invite!" You gave her a warm hug.

Even though Wanda preferred Dracula's first wife, she had to admit you were nicer than Martha, and didn't give her that weird feeling.

"Y/n, we're just happy you could make it." She hugged you back, you being careful not to squish her belly.

"I got you a gift for the boys!" You held up blankets.

"Oh, Y/n, I know you have good intentions, and those are beautifully knitted, but they're not going to last." Wanda looked at them with worry.

"Did you really think I was going to give you a plain wool blanket?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow.

She looked at you curiously as you gave one of the boys a blanket, and they tried to rip it, but struggled, "wolf-proof."

The pup sniffed the blanket and immediately passed out, "and nap time is secured, you have a good hour and a half to yourselves with these."

Wanda's eyes widened as she hurried to take the blankets from you and give them to Wayne so they could get alone time later on, "Honey, you always give the best gifts."

She kissed your cheek as thanks, and went on to try to manage her children. You watched Mavis do a bunch of activities with the kids, which it was all fun until she burst the piñata, spilling candy all over the ground and causing the pups to rampage the party.

"Oh, geez." You stood by Dracula as Mavis apologized to the parents.

"Don't worry, there's a reason they're called a litter." Wayne said nonchalant as the pups ran around tearing everything in sight, until they got to the blankets left on the ground.

"3... 2... 1." Some bit the blankets as the rest dropped.

"You're welcome." You stated as Mavis started getting upset at Johnny for Dennis losing a tooth, "You're the one who broke the piñata, honey."

Mavis gave you a look before Dennis came over to show you the tooth, "Mama Y/n, look!"

"Wow!" You examined the little teeth as Mavis freaked out about Dennis losing a tooth and kept telling the boys how he wasn't a vampire.

"His baby teeth weren't fangs, why would these ones be?" Mavis looked at her dad in anger as he tried to talk some sense into his daughter.

"Your baby teeth weren't fangs either baby, you had three sets of canines, remember?" You reminded Dracula as Dennis played with your locket on your chest.

Johnny stood beside you as your heart started to hurt, "another one?"

You shook your head, holding Dennis closer, "Just been a long day."

"Maybe you should turn in for the night. It's been very stressful for you lately." Johnny kissed your cheek, taking Dennis from you.

"...I don't know, dad." Mavis applied sunscreen to her face.

"What don't you know?" Drac asked, thinking she wasn't serious.

"Well, we've been talking about moving. Somewhere... safer for Dennis. Maybe where Johnny grew up in California." You held Dennis close while you listened to Mavis talk to her father.

"I'm sorry, but, you can't just make somebody something they're not." She put on a hat and sunglasses before taking Dennis from your arms, "Come one honey, we have to go."

"Mavey, wait! You can't mean that!" Dracula begged his daughter as she walked away.

Something inside of Dracula hurt, seeing the little boy taken away from him. He wasn't sure what it was, but he would be damned if his family would be taken away from him again.


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Status: Unedited

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