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Your siblings watched the window awkwardly as you beat the shit out of your husband, "...I wish she would just marry that angel and get this over with."

Mammon scoffed as he flicked a rose cigarette at the window, landing on his silhouette, "I don't even care if we couldn't see her anymore, the way she's suffering for a man who doesn't want her is ridiculous."

Hiducia scrunched her nose in disgust as she watched you enter the hotel, "I feel like the only reason she's here is to stay with her family... we should introduce ourselves. It's only fair seeing as we didn't get to go to her wedding. Besides, she's our sister."

Mammon and Hiducia stepped out of the door, their forms instantly shrinking, becoming human, "just us? Mmk."

Hiducia sprayed Mammon with perfume, "You reek."

He slapped her hand as she dropped the glass bottle. It shattered as soon as it hit the ground, the smell overwhelming the surrounding hallways.

"You asshole! Do you know how much that cost?" They started to bicker.


You sat in the garden with your grandson as he cried, "I don't wanna leave Mama Y/n!"

You held him tight, trying not to cry, "it's going to be okay baby, I'll visit every weekend."

Your daughter stood there, contemplating her decisions. She heard loud talking, then stood next to her mom.

"Who were those people you were with in the meeting room?" Mavis looked at you, concerned.

"My siblings." You said, playing with Dennis' hair.

"How come I've never met them before?" Mavis asked again.

"They're busy people." You pinched Dennis' cheeks and poked his tummy as he giggled.

"Do you wanna pick pomegranates for moma and eat them?" You asked Dennis, hearing familiar voices lead closer.

"Yeah!" He ran off to the fruit side of the garden with a little bucket.

You stood up, holding your daughters hands, "I need you to not freak out."

Mavis looked at you, skeptical, but slowly nodded her head as you pushed her beside you roughly. A hair pin flying through where she was standing.

"You missed." Mammon scoffed as his sister slapped his arm.

"Y/n moved her, what's was I supposed to do?" Hiducia spat as Mammon snatched the pin from her as it levitate with his magic.

"Watch how it's done, slut." Mammon chuckled as it flew, then dropped, "what?"

You stared blankly at your siblings, "you two are very immature."

"Y/n, do you know what you're doing? You're protecting the witch." Hiducia pulled you to the side, away from your daughter.

"Cia-" Mammon stepped in front of both of you as Mavis stood there, confused.

"Momma, look!" He lifted the heavy bucket before it dragged him down, but he kept running.

"What?" They said unanimously as Mavis picked up her son.

"Mom, are these.... your siblings?" She looked at you while holding her baby close as he made grabbed hands to you.

"'Mom'? You didn't." Hiducia gasped

You smiled, walking towards Dennis, "I did."

You picked him up as he squeezed your neck, giving him little kisses on his head as Mavis stood behind you.

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