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"Gosh! Welcome you two-" She hugged them then saw you, "Y/n!"

They moved out of the way so that Linda would give you a hug, "That's why Mike asked me to set up the guest room! Come in! Come in!"

"You sneaky thing." She pinched Mike's stomach as he let out a hearty laugh, "So how does this work? Are you up all night and sleep all day?"

"Linda." Mike said as she pulled out gifts.

"Oh, no, I'm fine with anything!" Mavis said, answering her questions.

"Oh, good, cause I bought you this poncho." She pulled it out of the bag.

"Linda." Mike interrupted again as she ignored him.

"And if that's not enough, I bought this pretty sun hat for you. I thought of you as soon as I saw it-" Mike cut her off.

"That's enough Linda, they're tired. We can do this tomorrow morning before we go out for brunch. I'll take Y/n to her room. I know how excited you are to show Mavis her room." He grabbed your luggage and your purse and walked to the guest room as you followed.

"I'm surprised that you keep up with her. Usually she wears out people after the first few months." Mike set your luggage down, still holding your purse.

"Oh, I'll take that. I have some new magazines and runway concepts to show Linda before I unpack." You set your purse on the bed and pulled out stacks of magazines and papers as a small white sheet got stuck in the pile.

"I hope you don't mind, but Linda invited some interspecies couples from the neighborhood so they can talk to Mavis and Johnny." Mike walked out of the room with you.

"As long as they're honest about everything to our babies, I'm completely fine." You smiled as you head to the living room, seeing Linda's eyes widen in surprise.

"You didn't." She smiled as you held up the stacks.

"I did!" You set it down on the table, "We'll go over them with some wine and you can keep whichever ones you want."

She smiled, hugging you, "That would be lovely."

Linda had found out that you were a fashion designer after the wedding and looked you up. She immediately became one of your biggest supporters, loving your affordable, yet chic designs. She had wanted some magazines from vintage collections that she couldn't find, and you decided to throw in the original concept art from those too.


Vampire camp was weird to Dracula. Dennis loved it and kept it in mind to ask Mama Y/n to take him there next summer. Now that he thought about it, it had been a bit since he saw Mama Y/n... or his Mommy and Daddy.

He pulled Dracula's cape as he looked down from the bonfire song, "when can we call mommy and daddy and Mama Y/n?"

Dracula's breath hitched as he quickly thought up a lie, "soon! After camp! Right now they're sleeping, so we can call them in the morning."

"Oh, okay. I just miss mommy and Mama Y/n so much. And I miss my daddies smores and his bedtime stories." His eyes teared up, "I miss my momma!"

Dracula panicked as he swept Dennis into his arms and calmed him down, "And they all miss you too. They just are looking at homes for you to live in."

"But I want to live with Mama Y/n... and you." Dennis looked at his grandfather curiously, "Why did you marry another woman besides Mama Y/n?"

His head shot in his grandson's direction, "Martha? Well, she was my zing."

Dennis shook his head, "nu-uh, Mama Y/n's your zing. Is it because she's a demon? Is that why you didn't want her?"

Dracula's eyes opened once more, confused and slightly terrified of how he knew, "I- uhm, what? What are you talking about?"

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