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Staring at the walls of your cell you sighed, exorcisms were never fun. You admit you blew a fuse at the wrong place and the wrong time, still feeling horrible for taking attention away from Mavis. Not your proudest moment.

You just got lucky that your guards remembered which forms you had, sending you to the royal cell. Magic being restricted in the Internal Containment Vault was for the demon's own safety, being detained until they had enough control of their magic to leave.

You only cried in one place, but you couldn't leave to cry your soul out just yet. Someone had to come and sign for your release, or you waited 24 hours in a holding cell, making you wait for the clock to strike 13.


Mavis sobbed in her room uncontrollably, looking at the postcard, she threw it across the room, unsure of what to believe. She wanted to believe her birth mother, but the way you looked in that moment... Mavis knew something was off.

Her head shot up to stare at the package that was wrapped up neatly with care and placed on her vanity. Pulling the ribbon off and removing the lid, she read the notecard, 'Place the symbol mat in a place with plenty of room that isn't near anything flammable.

Place the candles on each corner of the family emblem and repeat the name of the place you want to go. Enunciate, you don't want to end up in an unknown place.

Hopefully, I'm with you for your first incantation, but if I'm not, I hope these instructions will suffice, and don't let the bright lights scare you, they can't harm you.

Since the marriage, you have been a part of the royal family, which you already knew, but now you have royal status in the Undercroft and Underworld. Hell-born will treat you well and you will gain much experience by interacting with them, so your father has nothing to worry about.

-Love, Y/n'

Mavis looked through the contents of the box, removing the wine tissue paper and seeing a black mat with a familiar symbol etched in red ink. She couldn't place where she had seen it before, but knew it was a good sign.

She placed the candles and lit them, standing in the middle of the circle. She would do what it took to see her mother again, even if it meant being sent to an entirely different place.

Mavis knew her father was too busy fixing his business, seeing how all of the monsters reacted to their breach of safety, to notice her be gone for an hour or two, "Home," she closed her eyes, "home," and breathed out the words that came to mind, "home," the only words she could think of to describe her mother, "home."

A bright light consumed her vision, opening her eyes she saw a large bed that wasn't her own. She didn't know where she was, but knew this was your house, and very possibly her room, considering there were many paintings and a letter titled 'Mavis' on the door in front of her.

She examined the room, seeing it's blank walls and large bed without a comforter. Mavis picked up the letter, 'I'm glad you decided to take my offer and move in! I wish I could be there right now, but I'm caught up in a few ordeals at work.

I should be there in a few hours, but for now look through those catalogues I left on the desk in your study. The bed, bath, and extra room connected to your room are fully in your control.

You may customize them however you wish. There are furniture magazines, art catalogs, paint samples, and even an Vampi-Pad with a charger on the desk as well (if I remembered).

Pinterest and GhoulInspire are already downloaded so all you have to do is search for what you're looking for. I'll see you soon darling,

Love, Y/n'

She smiled, knowing that you were going to ask her to move in as her birthday gift, then thought about what happened. Mavis knew you weren't at work, and it had only been 30 minutes since the party ended.

You had to be in a cell, since the words her father had spoken were the rest of the incantation to an exorcism. All demons who were in the hotel would be in cells, since he used his magic to banish them all.

She walked down the corridor, moving swiftly to find the exit. She saw no one, making it feel eerie and cold. Tapping the button to the bottom floor, she exited the building, making her way onto the street.

Eventually she was able to get a CryptCab to take her somewhere, "It's unfortunate on what happened to all those demons. It really is."

Mavis looked to the Skeleton driver as he slowed in traffic, "What happened?"

His head spun around, "Didn't ya' hear? There was a large exorcism at this uh, large hotel - hundreds, if not thousands, of demons were cast out."

Mavis scooted closer to the driver, "Where did they all go?"

He looked back at the road and started driving, "To the ICV of course."


"Thanks Benny," Mavis waved to the cab driver.

"Don't mention it kid." He waved back, "I'll wait here for you and your ma. Hopefully, she's okay."

She walked inside, talking to a secretary who let her sign for her mother. When you walked out, she was ecstatic to see you. She gave you a big squeeze and took you back to the cab, telling you all about her first time in the demon realm and how she wanted to live with you.

You sat in the back with her as you both discussed what happened in the hotel, "I need to know why you reacted the way you did. Why you got so upset when he mentioned my birth mom."

"Ooh, this is getting juicy!" The driver swerved into the left lane, "Benny! - Sorry."

You sat in silence for a moment, "Not now. There's too much that you don't know. I will tell you, I promise, just not right now."

Mavis stared at you, "alright."

You hugged her side as she gave in, snuggling in as the car turned onto the highway to hell. You almost risked having everything reverted based on your feelings.

You wouldn't do that again.

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