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Y/n = your name
S/c= skin color
H/c= hair color

Status: Unedited


You looked at Xibalba as he read the terms and conditions, "and that concludes the terms of the lost and forgotten souls."

You looked across the room at Dracula, making the ends of his cape tickle his neck with the flick of your fingers, "Xibalba, your brother is late. How are we as leaders, supposed to respect this man that you've brought into our courts if he can't even keep a simple appointment?"

Your friend, who was watching you mess with the vampire, who coincidentally was the chosen leader many of the overworld monsters, "Y/n is right, we can't accept a stranger in our court, even if he is Xibalba's brother, it doesn't help that we haven't met him and he's shown such irresponsibility."

"Thank you La Muerte. I'm sure we are all reasonable enough to come up with a treaty without introducing a new member. I hope you all realize that this would throw off power balance, keep in mind that Xibalba is related to this creature. Regardless of what potential he may have, we may have to... displace Xibalba." You flicked your nails, looking at the chipping polish.

"Baba Yaga, do you have any comment on the matter?" You turned to the witch who sat to your right.

The witch turned, "As much as I hate to say it, the demon is right. There would be too much power for one lineage."

Xibalba sighed and you turned, "No offense, you know how it is."

Pitch came from the shadows, claws reached out then... he pulled out a chair, "I don't like the idea of my power being lessened."

"Ah, the boogeyman, it's nice of you to finally show yourself, though I thank you for your input." La Muerte laughed, playing with candles.

"Say, La Muerte, how is La Llorona? I've been trying to contact her, but she can't gotten back to me." Manananggal sharpened her talons.

"Ladies, please, let's stay on topic. I think we all deserve a break. My voice might go out with all of the chaos caused by Xibalba, leading to the many, many deaths." Banshee sipped her honey lemon tea.

"And someone has to clean that up." La Muerte looked at Xibalba as he looked away.

"I assume that is all of the matters for today. So let's sign the agreement, shall we?" You clapped your hands which made Dracula's cape tighten just a bit.

Xibalba sighed, looking through the papers, he gasped before slamming the papers back down, "What? What is it?" La Muerte looked at Xibalba as he looked away.

"Nothing! It's nothing." Xibalba smiled, shoving the papers in his briefcase.

"It's obviously not nothing if you're trying to hide it from us." Manananggal said, now paying attention to the conversation.

"Read it," Dracula said, sitting forward, "We need to know what's on that paper before we sign anything."

Xibalba sighed, "there was one, non-negotiable condition, THAT I DID NOT MAKE UP! Typhon said that either we added the member he wanted or..."

Everyone's eyes were now on Xibalba as he started to read the clause, "As a favor I owe to Lilith, her eldest daughter, Y/n of the Inferno must get married to a leader of the Elite."

Your eyes could've shot out of your head when you heard that, "WHAT?"

"Oh yeah, now we're talking!" The boogeyman adjusted his suit as he completely materialized, "Either we let Lord Mictlan join the group, or Y/n gets married, and let's be honest there's no way we are letting that walking rage pillow join our group, so pucker up buttercup, we've got a wedding to plan."

"Actually, Typhon didn't specify as to whom she married. And seeing as I'm already taken, and the other women at this table are either against relationships or polygamy that leaves one choice..." Xibalba looked at Dracula.

"Him? Doesn't he have a kid? And the guy was married, c'mon baby. You know you want me." Bog brought you closer as you were separated by La Muerte.

You looked at them and signed the papers, "We'll figure this out another time, let's just sign this and talk about this later."

You signed it, then walked away as everyone watched, "She wants me."

La Muerte looked at Bog, "That's what you took from that?"

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