Bonus Chapter! 4-1

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Bonus Chapter|4-1
Takes place during the end of 1-9
Full Scene

Warning! Smut


You sat in your study, you had just finished an hour-long meeting with the Celtic Legion and were still in your ambassador form, you hadn't even changed out of your suit and just went straight to paperwork.

A knock at the door didn't take you out of your trance. You had just responded with a quiet 'enter' and kept writing things down in skripts.

Dracula walked inside, this time no tray in hand to comfort you, just himself. He walked inside, thinking about what to do. Looking at your desk, he tried what he knew how.

He pulled your pen out of your hand and placed himself on top of your desk after moving your paperwork out of the way. He decided to do what you do to make him feel better.

Dracula put his hand on your chin, pulling your face to his, him also leaning in for a kiss when you suddenly pulled away, turning to the side to finish your paperwork.

Seduction didn't work on you, not right now. What you needed was an apology. And he knew that. He sighed, moving your hands off of the desk and onto your sides, sliding into your lap. He put his face in your neck and murmured, "I'm sorry."

You combed his hair with your long nails and sighed, "I know."

Tears welled in his eyes, "I'll do better," it came out in a whisper, "I promise."

You kissed his cheek, finishing your paperwork, "I hope you do."

He looked at you, "So..." He looked unsure of what to say, though the feeling of something push into your stomach said more than enough, "I never thought you looked so ravishing in a suit."

You laughed as you felt the tension, "Do you want to meet me in the bedroom, or should I take you there?"

The look in his eyes told you what he wanted, as he got off your lap, "Do we have to walk so far?" His voice went quiet, but now quite a whisper.

"I would rather taste you in our private quarters, but if you insist." You held his face up to yours, seeing there was a small gap between you two.

You pulled a book on a shelf, which made the shelf move to the side, revealing the library. You took him to the loveseat, which would ironically live up to its name.

The shelf closed as he sat on the large ivory couch, waiting for you to join him.

Small breaths welcomed you to savor the moment, of which neither of you would ever forget.

Slowly unbuttoning the rest of his blouse, you moved down as he threw his head back, his breathing hitched as you met your mark.

It looked just like the mark on your back. It even glowed in the same magenta hue yours did. 

Your tongue traced it, making the burning sensation worse. He groaned, his chest puffing up a bit as he tried to keep his cool unsuccessfully.

You climbed on top of him, and your fingers dragged your nails across his chest as his breathing got more unsettling. You undid his buckle, sliding it off him and holding his face for a kiss.

Your tongue mixed your saliva, which didn't help him since your pheromones were already trigged, the last thing he needed was your addictive hormones in his bloodstream, but it was too late.

You wrapped the belt around his wrists, tightening it so that he couldn't touch you as he pleased, "Remember, bad boys don't get rewarded."

Your chuckled caused his eyes to widen, "Please, do whatever you please with me, anything." He was out of breath, and his body felt like it was burning, but he knew he was cold.

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