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You watched your friend walk away after she excused herself to the bathroom, "Hello, I'm so glad you decided to join us."

You greeted the guests as the boys hyped up Dracula to speak to his wife, but then you turned to him and gave him a loving smile, "Honey bat, have you been feeling better?"

That was all he needed to melt, sighing and taking your sunglasses off, peering down at your husband since your 2nd form was much taller than he was. A purple glint swirled around his eyes as he attempted to speak to you.

"Shuba do wobee?" he asked, making you laugh.

"I don't know what you're asking, but I'll meet you by the pool later." He melted more as you kissed his cheek, walking away.

The boys watched how Dracula looked at you as your hips swayed from side to side when you walked away, "What was that?" 

Frank looked at Dracula as he panicked, "I don't know what that was! I'm all woozy and my heart hurts..."


Ericka slipped into the boiler room, walking down a long flight of stairs and opening a door at the bottom, "Ugh! You were so right, Great-Grandfather. Monsters are disgusting!"

Abraham turned around, cackling at his granddaughter's response, "They're animals! I'll be right there. Dracula, is he on board?"

He rolled in the room as she scoffed, "Yes. I saw him. Face-to-face. Ugh! I was so nice to him. That pale face of his and his goofy smile, showing off his fangs. Argh, it's just like you told me!"

Her grandfather began to rant, "It's even worse than I feared! It was that fateful night that I realized a human could never defeat a monster. But I wouldn't let our family legacy die. And so, I began to search for an answer. 

And I saw it in an ancient text, an instrument of destruction so powerful it destroyed Atlantis, a whole city of monsters. And there, deep within the rubble, it lay, waiting. Endlessly, I searched for the lost city. Time passed, and my body began to fail me. 

Oh, it was so sad, Ericka. First my liver, then my spleen, followed by a kidney or two. Then my golden locks. But I wouldn't let that stop me. I replaced my failing organs with technology! Ha-ha! And look at me now. Mmm-hmm! Oh, girl, it's an improvement, really."

He felt his faux body as his granddaughter became really uncomfortable, "Uhh, sure."

He snapped out of it, turning to Ericka, "And now, after 120 years, I have finally found Atlantis. I will get rid of Dracula and that demon wife of his!"

Ericka's eyes widened, "No!"

She coughed as he looked at her, confused, "I mean, no. She's too valuable. We don't touch Y/n."

She stood up, raging, "Oh, forget about all this! Let me get rid of Dracula right now. I was so close to him, I could've just..." She made strangling motions.

"No, no, no! We have to stick to the plan. Lure the monsters to Atlantis, retrieve the instrument of destruction, trap them there, and then wipe them out. It's simple, Ericka! Now, promise me you won't try to kill Dracula." VanHelsing asked his granddaughter. 

Ericka scoffed, "Ugh, fine! I promise."

VanHelsing looked at her, raising an eyebrow, "Promise what?"

She sighed deeply, "I won't try to kill Dracula."

He nodded, rolling away from Ericka as she quietly left the bunker, "I will kill him."


You swung your hips by the kitchen as 24K Magic by Bruno Mars blasted on the speakers on the ship, "here's your food Ms. Y/n."

You thanked the chef and walked out of the kitchen with a plate of peaches and other assorted fruit, you loved fruit and being on open waters made you crave it.

Walking out on deck, the guests ogled at you as you made your way to the pool, eating your fruit when you did.

You saw your husband hiding under a seat cushion while some of the guys laughed at him. You quietly approached them, lifting the covers slightly.

"Baby? What are you doing under there?" He screamed and fell off the chair, making the guys laugh harder.

"Nothing muffin cakes! Just making sure the... thread count is accurate." He stood up, dusting himself off.

"Oo..." You straightened his collar, looking at him, "looking sharp."

"Y/n!" You turned to see Ericka, "Can I talk to you for a second?"

You looked to your husband, apologizing, "I'll be back, sweet fang."

Walking towards the bow of the ship you closed the door behind you, "I've figured out how to fit that island trip you wanted into the schedule, but that means we either do scuba diving in an hour or we don't do it at all."

Ericka didn't look at you, since she was busy looking at maps and the schedules, "That's fine, whatever makes the most sense to you, but many monsters have never been scuba diving. I'm sure that would bring more people back next trip."

She nodded, "Then get ready for that, I think I saw your family in the pool, you can probably join them."

"You know you will always be one of closest friends, right? No one is replacing you. I know that you don't support my actions with staying with Dracula, but he's my husband and my zing.

At least give him a chance and you'll see that what happened wasn't entirely his fault. I shouldn't have even blamed him for contacting the witch, he just wanted our baby to stay alive. He couldn't have anticipated... all that." You clutched your stomach and Ericka's eyes were now on you.

"You're right, I should be more accepting for your sake, but only you." She hugged you, opening the door and watching you walk to your family playing water volleyball, but not before turning back to smile at her.

You joined your family, taking the dress off to reveal your bathing suit that absorbed all of Dracula's attention, even from his highly competitive game.

Ericka slowly closed the door, pulling out the plans for the end of the cruise from the drawer on the side, slowly unrolling scrolls that described the location and the relic she needed.

"She's suffered for so many years, I don't understand how she can stay with him... or even be friends with me..." She read some of the inscriptions on the scrolls, "But don't worry, you won't have to deal with him for very long..."


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Sorry about Friday's chapter being late.

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