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You wandered the halls of the casino, looking for your husband. The murals on the walls were interesting and gaudy, showing off the twins in a more than friendly light. Your heart hurt, making you turn left.

You could feel tears build up in your eyes as you opened a door and ran through, just to be summoned somewhere else.

You looked around, trying to figure out your surroundings. You heard a groan, seeing your husband all alone on the cavern floor, surrounded by dark blood. The feeling of pain intensified as you drooped to the floor by his side.

"Oh, my darling," you saw how his legs were bent out of shape, not being able to imagine how he was feeling and the pain he had to endure with the snapped bones, "I will kill whoever has done this to you."

You sighed, wincing as he reached for you, "I'm sorry, baby. I have to realign your legs for them to heal faster."

You swallowed the acidic bile that crept up your throat as you placed your hands on his legs, snapping them back into place. On a human, you couldn't even think about doing this, but a vampire heals faster. They can endure it just a slight bit more.

His legs were now realigned, but blood was still seeping out of them. You ripped the hem of your pants, wrapping them as tight as you can before carrying him back to the boat.

His legs started to heal on the way, but they would never be the same.


When Vladimir woke up, he saw you sleeping in the chair next to him, and a trash can full of vomit on the floor.

He sighed, attempting to get out of bed as he took deep breaths, trying not to release cries due to the pain.

"Dracula." He didn't respond, still attempting to get off of the bed, "Dracula." He moved forwards, feeling his stomach turn, "Vladimir."

He turned to you, "Why can't I walk? What's wrong with me?"

His voice broke, and stress overwhelmed him as you rushed to comfort him, "I can't do much, since I'm not a healer, but I can hex an item that could help you walk."

You looked around, seeing a cane on the wall as decoration, and took it down, casting a spell on it, "Try it now." He held the cane and looked at you, "go on, I won't let you fall."

He nodded, slowly walking forward, "I'm moving... It's just much slower than I was used to." He grunted, sliding off of the bed. The cane tapped against the floor, and the metal tip created a sharp noise as he walked along the wooden floor of the room.

"Where are we?"

"The hotel in the casino," you sighed, watching him adjust to the cane.

"And Ericka?"

"What about Ericka?"


You rushed out, looking for the monsters on the cruise, more specifically, for your family.

"You!" You pointed at the siren man, "where are the cruise passengers?"

He looked up from his bookkeeping, "At the party, of course."

Vladimir contemplated leaving them all behind, restarting the life he always wanted with Y/n before Martha ruined their lives. The only reason he denied his urges was because he still cared for them.

You held your husband's hands as you walked across the long quartz bridge to where the rave was happening, "Please, please, please." You prayed as you hastily made your way pass the bridge, looking through the crowds of people.

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