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Everyone was getting seated and Bog had his men dressed in all grey. He had Mavis and Dracula have a front row seat to their wedding, to spite them, of course. La Muerte, to her dismay, was to officiate the wedding and was wearing black, to symbolize mourning. All of the other members were as well.

She hadn't heard from her husband since she sent him to talk to Dracula. Speaking of which, she hadn't seen Dracula either. It was ten minutes until the wedding started and she was starting to worry.


Your dress was adjusted while Dracula watched Xibalba finish his plan, "doesn't that seem like overkill?"

He laughed, "not to Bog, you'd be surprised what he's put all of us through. Hopefully this will finally teach him a lesson."

You watched as Xibalba let out an evil cackle, "as much as I love torturing, would you two leave so I can finish getting ready?"

Xibalba chuckled, "But I'm pretty sure the Prince of Darkness would enjoy the show~"

Dracula turned red and couldn't formulate words, the thought of you undressing was too much for him. The door being opened showed Mavis with a makeup set Y/n had requested. Xibalba dragged him out, still confused on what happened.

Mavis walked in as you were still in your robe, "This looks like a different shade of red than what you have, are you sure that's correct?"

You chuckled, "Sweet Fang, this isn't my true form."

You stretched, cracking your back and neck before raising your hands above your head. Smoke swirled around your hands and engulfed your body fully. Once the smoke started to settle down, a different type of red could be shown, a (lighter/darker) shade of red appeared and so could a large pair of wings.

Your nails were painted black, thanks to Mavis, and now all that needed to be done was your makeup. She helped you into your dress as it turned into a complementary red to match your skin.

She watched as you did your makeup, giving her some black eyeshadow and lipstick to match yours, then proceeded to help you out of the chair, "Darling, go find your father, I'm sure he's waiting for you."

She nodded as you stood up and fixed your wings, your hair falling perfectly behind.


Dracula went to check on the surprise. He remembered this, yet not sure when you told him. His head hurt from the amount of magic he used to conjure this thing, but it would be worth it.


La Muerte stood at the altar as Xibalba approached, a smirk permanently on his face, "Xibalba! What is going on?"

Xibalba laughed, holding her hands and looked at Bog, still smiling, "Everything will be fine."

He watched as Dracula sat down in his seat, waiting for Mavis, "You didn't"

Xibalba looked back at Bog, "Didn't what?"

Bog's face turned to anger and disgust as he turned to his men who were standing next to him, "If anything goes wrong, you know what to do. I am not leaving here without her as my bride."

The rest of Dracula's friends sat down next to him or behind if there wasn't enough room. They were invited by Xibalba to be mixed company since Y/n refused to invite her own family.

Mavis walked in shortly after, Xibalba striding past her to walk you down the isle in a few short minutes, "Dad!"

She plopped herself next to him, upset, "I can't believe she's marrying him."

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