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Your heart sank as you were asked by your daughter, "Please, Mom, just this once, you know I would never be ashamed of you."

You held back your tears as you nodded, "I can do that, I would do anything for you."

Mavis smiled and held your hands, "Thank you so much, it means so much to me. I wouldn't have asked this of you if it wasn't necessary. I mean, his parents are Christian, so to them it would seem like the end of the world."

You remembered when you first met his parents and how abrasive they were about the whole situation. Johnny's mother passed out in the living room when she found out Mavis and her family were vampires.

They came up from California to Transylvania just for the wedding, so it made sense that she asked you, "I'm going to see if he needs help with his tux."

You left the room and walked down the hallway through the hotel, heading to your room to change for the wedding last minute.

You swiftly changed, adjusting your outfit to your human form as best you could, and then walked out of the room to the reception hall.

You found Dracula at the front desk on your way and asked him what he was doing, "I'm waiting for his parents to arrive to greet them."

You nodded and stood next to him, "then I'll wait with you."

Confusedly, He looked at you, "Aren't you going to get ready for the wedding?"

"I am ready... is there something wrong with my dress?" You quickly looked down to examine your dress as he quickly tried to reword his sentence.

"No! you look..." he stared at you, from top to bottom, "phenomenal, but what about your demon form?"

"Mavis asked that I stay in my human form until the Loughran's leave." You stared at the floor as Dracula engulfed you in a hug.

"I'm sorry this is all so complicated." He held you in his arms as your head laid in between his shoulder and his head.

"It's not your fault. Now, let's greet the guests, shall we?" You held your hand around Drac's arm, and he walked around with you, greeting guests and making small talk with anyone around.

"Mr. and Mrs. Loughran, parents of the groom, and family." The knight announced to the people in the foyer as they entered.

Your heart sank as you saw how small the group was, "darling look."

He skimmed walking towards them slowly, "What?"

"His sister showed up, but only 2 out of the 6 brothers came." You felt horrible for Johnny.

Dracula sympathized with you as you met the parents, "Hello! Welcome to my hotel. It is so nice to see you, my friends!"

"I don't believe you have met my lovely wife, Y/n." You greeted them as Linda introduced herself.

"I almost thought you had two daughters for a moment! Y/n you're so young!" Linda shook your hand.

"Linda," Her husband stared at you, not moving his eyes. "that's enough Linda."

"So how long have you folks been married for?" Mike eyes still lingered on you.

"For awhile now, right my love, ten years maybe?" You lied as Mike's eyebrows furrowed.

"Interesting...anyway, it's very lovely to meet you." He shook your hand and Dracula's as well.

Johnny ran out of the crowd to hug his parents, but something stirred in Mike's gut.


You watched Mavis and Johnny take pictures with their bridal party first, then with the whole family. Johnny had to yell at you to join, which you did before returning to your seat.

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