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It was a long year.

The first three months were spent crying.

The next six were coming to terms with death.

Then, the last three, healing.

"I think it's time we put you to good use little one. Manakel has protected you long enough. Go be with them." God dangled the pendant holding the small pendant.


"Good morning, sweet fang." Dracula walked into the study.

You smiled, taking his hand into yours, and kissing him before you spoke, "Hello, gorgeous."

His heart thumped as an unfamiliar feeling rose to his throat, letting out a weird sound as he let a wonky smile slip.

You looked at him concerned, "Darling, did you get a fever?"

He shook his head, trying to compose himself. Coughing, he looked at you, "So, how's that 'sinner redemption service' coming along?"

You smiled, signing some papers before you finished, and sending them in a disappeared tube, "Wonderful.  Gabriel just sent me the agreement, and now we have to work out the kinks."

You sat back, patting your lap as an unfamiliar heat rose to his cheeks. He spat out, once again nervous, "I- I came to remind you of the wedding."

"Oh, right! I'm so sorry, I forgot! Let's go." You took his hand and went to the room where you changed into a simple black dress.

You knocked on the bridal party's door then ducked as a spike broke through the door, "Sweetheart, breathe, I'll fix the holes, you're gonna look gorgeous."

The woman cried harder as Dracula spoke through the shared headset to you and Mavis, "She doesn't have cold feet, Dad. Just a wardrobe malfunction. Mom's working on her right now."

Mavis fluffed up the flowers as she watched her mother fix the bride's dress and calm her down, "I've had horrible weddings, this is nothing, just a minor setback."

"You get to marry the man you love; would you care if he showed up in a potato sack?" You asked the woman as her spikes started to retract.

"Yes," she sniffled, "I would marry him if we were covered in mud and feathers." 

You finished the dress and stood next to her, "so then why wouldn't you get married to him looking as stunning as you do now?"

You stared into the mirror with her as she gasped, looking at herself with new eyes, "Let's get you married."


You sat next to your husband, wiping your tears. 

You always cried at weddings.

They said their vows and kissed, you stood up to clap, and everyone followed. 

Once the ceremony was done and they signed their marriage certificates, you felt the ground shake as you froze time quickly, "Dennis!"

You tapped your foot as time stopped, except for your grandson, who sat on top of a large dog, "What did we say about Tinkles?"

You fixed the tables with your magic as he looked down, ashamed, "I didn't mean to disobey. He was crying."

You picked up your grandson, "I understand, but all he wants is your attention. He ate, he went outside, he just needed to be put away for three hours for their wedding,"

You unfroze Tinkles and glared at him, "Sit. Take him back and explain to Winnie what happened and why he can't be out. You knew the rules when you wanted a pet.

Unfreezing time after they left, your family was confused as to why the room stopped shaking suddenly, just to see you smiling at them, giving them a slight nod.

After entering the reception, you left quickly to touch up the bride before she went outside to the garden with her main party for wedding pictures after their first dance.

Johnny was the DJ, making sure the party was a blast as Dracula stood by himself. A woman approached him, tapping his shoulder, "Would you like to dance?"

The boys ogled at the woman as Dracula responded, "No. Thank you for the offer, but I'm married."

She sighed, walking away as she went to find someone else to dance with, "What's wrong Drac? You didn't like her?"

Dracula turned to Frank, "I'm sure she's nice, but... I do honestly love Y/n."

The boys looked at him with wide eyes as he started to gush, "She's so considerate and so pretty. She's incredibly smart and business savvy, it hurts my pride sometimes. And -"

"Wow, I've never seen Drac act like this before... even with Martha..." Frank muttered to his friends.

"I wonder... Hey, Drac, is that Y/n?" Griffin spoke as Drac quickly turned.

"What? Where?" He looked around as Griffin laughed at him, "Ha ha.  Very funny."

"Honey fang, who are you looking for?" You asked as he jumped.

"I uh, ash lonki foyo -" He let out his derpy smile once more, before shaking it all off, "I mean, I was looking for you."

You tilted your head, then cupped his face, "You found me... do you want to dance?"

He responded immediately, "Yes! I would love to, my dear." 

He then held your hands and led you to the dance floor, his hands sliding to your back, his arms resting on your waist. Your hands rested on the back of Dracula's neck, one on the back of his head, fingers buried in his hair.

You rocked back and forth as familiar scents brought back unknown nostalgia to Dracula as he melted in your embrace.

"Honey bat... have I ever told you how much I love you?" You looked at Dracula in shock as his seafoam eyes turned more and more into their original baby blues.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" He took a deep breath, inhaling all of you.

"I've never been better. Darling, I feel that I don't tell you enough... I love you." He kissed your forehead, "I love you," he kissed your cheek, "I love you." 

He kissed you, "I love you; I love you; I love you." 

He kissed you again with every 'I love you', each time deeper than the last.

"My love, this is not the time nor the place..." You were breathless, looking into your husband's eyes, seeing a look you hadn't seen in thousands of years.

"Then let's make time... shall we?" He pulled you off the floor, leading you to a secluded corridor as he spoke to you in your native tongue, bringing back memories you had almost forgotten.


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Status: Unedited

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