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You stared at the translated sheet as Manakel explained, "So someone who was very powerful had to have traded their soul and magic for something that would last much longer than their death."

You looked through the shards of the soul that was left over, uncertainty filling your chest as you pieced together some of the shards, "...so you're the reason she keeps reincarnating..."

"What? Who is it?" But the look you shot him was more than enough to tell him who it was.

"So, she keeps reincarnating. That's why she's not in hell?" He asked again.

You nodded as you pocketed the soul shards, "and there are only two demon lords dumb enough to bargain with the witch."


"A-are you sure I should be here?" Manakel asked, following you down the hallway to the meeting room.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to, but you need some information to report back. I dont think they'll continue to take my word for it." You opened the door, seeing your siblings sitting in the meeting room.

You observed who was there. Your youngest siblings, Nyx and Pugsley, were sitting next to each other. Nyx was asleep with her poncho while Pugsley was stuffing his face with veggie stick chips and goldfish crackers.

Mammon and Hicucia had Anhur standing still, wearing an unfinished outfit, "This better be good."

"Oh, trust me." You snapped your fingers as the doors closed and the windows locked, Anhur was now in regular clothes, "it is."

Pugsley had woken Nyx up as she sleepily watched what was happening.

"As some of you know, there were many killings as of late. Flooding the gates of heaven and hell. We know there are demonic entities involved.

If you want to be spared, tell us what you know." You exhaled as their attention was full on you.

Pugsley started to speak slowly, "... Nyx overheard Levi talking about needing power for something.. the collection of roles?"

Nyx nodded and leaned back, "I couldn't hear too much since I was asleep, but he was talking to someone else over the phone. They were telling him to get more roles."

Mammon sighed, "Souls, you idiots, collection of souls. That what we do here."

Hiducia looked over, "Haven't you noticed? She already knows it's Hecate and Leviathan. She just wants to know what we know."

Her light pink hands rummaged through her designer purse as she handed papers to her brother, "What can I say? Nosy-ness knows no bounds."

Dark pink hands handed you the sheets as you skimmed through, "Kel. Look through these and tell me what you know."

He nodded, slowly taking the sheets from your hands.

You turned back and questioned again, "Why would they need to collect more souls than they influence?"

Your eyes shifted over your siblings as they stopped on your brother, "Anhur, what are you not telling me?"

His orange eyes shifted as he thought for a moment before picking up the book on the table, "This looks like the book Levi stole from my archives."

You sat down as Manakel listened in, "Tell me more."


"So that's how Martha keeps reincarnating. Those two imbeciles made a deal... " You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.

"But what would she get out of a deal like that?" You sat up as your siblings started to theorize.

"Maybe she wanted to keep reincarnating to stay away from hell?" Nyx asked, her violet fingers trying to rub the sleep from her eyes.

"Maybe she wanted to reincarnate in an attempt to be pretty for once." Hiducia made an off-hand comment to Mammon, who snickered.

"Maybe it's an elaborate plan that requires the death of Dracula or many people close to you in an attempt to make you miserable for eternity, and in return, they get her soul and power.

Her soul harbors her dark magic, so when they both have enough soul magic, they'll be able to destroy your domain and become leaders over the Inferno."

You stared at the green boy who continued to munch on his burger, "...I'll keep that in mind..."

Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing your daughter, "Did you know?"

She yelled at you as you stood up from your chair, your form being much taller than her, "watch your tone, young lady."

"Mom. Did you know?" She asked as you looked at her in confusion.

"I know a lot of things, honey, you need to be more specific." You stared at her as she took out her phone and handed it to you.


"HOW COULD YOU!" You pushed Dracula out of the cottage.

He had entered to talk to you but ended up in an awkward standoff with Manakel, who was doing more research for you.

Manakel watched, not wanting to interrupt the massive ass-beating Dracula was about to get.

"All you talk about is how much Dennis means to you and how much you wish for him to stay -" you yelled, casting spells at the man, hoping he wof get burned.

"And I do!" Dracula deflected the spells, dodging the throws.

"So you throw him off an unstable building and burn down my camp?!" You yelled, hitting the side of his body as you started to calm down.

He was putting out the fire and looked at you, "I thought that if I did what my father did, his fangs would come out."

You shook your head, "That's not good enough."

You walked off to the hotel, wanting to spend as much time with your grandson as possible.


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Status: Unedited

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