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"Mom, please, you know I would never ask if it wasn't an emergency." You sighed, looking through the hotel's archives.

"Johnny, this is a decision that you and Mavis should be making without me. Why do you need me to come?" You put down some papers as he looked stressed.

"Because my parents can be pushy, besides, I think it's best if Dennis grows up here. I don't want to raise him the way my parents raised me." Johnny ran a hand through his hair.

"They raised you to be an emotionally intelligent man and a wonderful father." You tucked some papers away.

"Yes, but I don't think you understand! This is where we belong! The hotel is out home! Please, don't let us go. Drac and I think-" You cut off Johnny.

"Dracula? Is he influencing this?" Johnny groaned.

"No! I want to stay here! I really do think that Dennis would be safer here, in Transylvania." Johnny pleaded with his mother-in-law.

"I'm serious, Ma'. Even if we do end up moving, I have no experience with buying house and Mavis can't even drive? Do you really want us to move so far away?" Johnny asked as you felt Drac nearby.

"That's why Linda and Mike want you to move closer, so they can help you with anything you need as well as Dennis. They deserve time with him too, you know." You put the papers in files and started looking through books as a gust of cold wind entered the room.

"But they can't go! They belong here, with us." Dracula tried to reason as you let out a heavy breath.

"There is no reason for Mike and Linda to not bond with their grandson. While I don't think they should move so far, either, it is entirely their decision. Something Mavis and Johnny need to figure out. Stop being so selfish." You glared at your husband.

"But Mavis is my only child! I would die if something happened to her and I wasn't there to stop it, or to help when she needed it. Even if I did have other children, it's not like it would make a difference, I would stay the same." Dracula started to ramble.

Johnny stood outside in the hallway as you and Dracula started talking, "Don't you want Johnny to stay? He's like the son you never had-"

"How can you say that? I understand that you don't like him because you're scared that he will take Mavis away, but you have no right to treat him that way. He is still family." You argued as Dracula puffed.

"What does it matter? I have Dennis? He's the closest to a son that I'll ever get-" Dracula tried to reason, as if it made sense.

"Just because you didn't want the son you had doesn't mean that I forgot. And when you did, it was too late." Dracula's eyes widened as he saw you pic something up from your drawer, "You forget that it was your fault you sought out that witch in the first place."

Slamming the door behind you as you exited, you alerted your captain to have your private jet in the overworld fueled, "Finish packing, I'm taking you to California."

Johnny followed behind you closely, he knew better than to question his mother.


You sat in the car quietly as Mavis said goodbye to Dennis and Dracula. Johnny sat next to you as he tried to muster the courage to ask you about what happened inside.

"So... you have a son- " He questioned as you took off your sunglasses and stared at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Right, no more questions..." He slumped back in his chair and he heard you sniffle, your lips trembling as you tried to conceal your remorse.

"He died when he was young." Tears slipped past your barrier as you hurried to wipe them off.

"Zuriel was everything I ever wanted in a child. He was smart, and loving, and so small. He was an angel." You wiped your tears with your sleeve as Johnny held you, rubbing your back.

"And this was when Dracula was a human..." You nodded as he processed his information.

He thought it was best to not question how that worked and all the other things on his mind. For now, he would just sit there with you, and comfort you as best as he could.

Mavis came about fifteen minutes later and didn't ask about the sunglasses or why you didn't say anything. At some point before they left he convinced Mavis to invite her mom to go look at houses and see how fair the market was, plus some other things. He also informed her of their argument before they left the hotel.

Once the carriage stopped at the airport, you walked in, human-self and all, and scanned your key-card to give you access to the runway and let you board your jet.

"We'll be there in about 20 hours, so make yourself comfortable. If you need anything, just ask the cabin crew..." You trailed off as a tall blonde man approached you, "I'll get on in a second, Mom has to take care of some business."

Johnny dragged Mavis inside, holding her in her seat, away from the window as she tried to peep on what was going on, "Who is that with mom?"

"It's just business, honey, give her some privacy." Johnny held her in place as you stared at the man.

"Manakel, you left the cottage?" He nodded, "I need to report back, but I wanted to let you know and ask if you have anymore information that I could use."

You dug through your purse and pulled out a thick file and a large book, "I haven't finished looking through, but a lot of the descriptions match what is going o here, though I've never seen it, or even heard of it before."

He kissed your hand and accepted the files graciously, "I'll see you when you're home."

You nodded, your heart hurting as you watched him walk away. You could do nothing but hope that everything would be okay.

You boarded the plane slowly as you looked at your daughter's shocked face, "Mom, who the heaven even was that?"

You sighed, knowing this was going to be a long 20 hour flight.


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Status: Unedited

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