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When the jet landed, Johnny woke you up. It was very late in California, to the point you were considering a hotel even though you were thirty minutes away from the Loughran home. 

You were in a much better mood than before, now pulling up to a gas station because Mavis was curious. Johnny had looked to you for confirmation, seeing as she had never been out of Transylvania before. You saw no reason why an adult woman couldn't go into a gas station for the first time.

"I'll fill it up, then meet you guys inside." You handed Johnny your card as he tried to explain the gas pump to Mavis and walked in.

Mavis was over a hundred years old and didn't know what a gas pump was. Then a thought hit you. Johnny was human, Dennis was a vampire, and that was a no-brainer (even if she didn't believe you), but Johnny...

What would happen to Johnny as he got older? At some point, she would surpass Johnny, and he would no longer be there. You knew for sure he wasn't going to be in your domain.

You looked at Johnny, knowing he thought about growing old and dying, while Mavis (and possibly his son) would live without him, but did Mavis?

Was this even a thought to her?

As you stood by yourself in the store, full of thought about what would happen to your son-in-law, they entered the convenience store and went to look at snacks, "Wow! There are so many snacks, how do people choose?" 

You looked at your phone, seeing an unknown number ringing, "I'll be back, I have to take this. Take your time, I'll be outside." 

"Hello," you answered as you stepped outside, "Who is this?"

"Y/n? It's me, Manakel. I'm still figuring out how to use these things, but I just wanted to say there's been another body. I've kept your piece of the fragments, so you don't need to worry. But I wanted to know if you could feel it?" The voice came across blurry, as if he was speaking through foam.

"No, I didn't. Why?" You looked inside to see them get slushies.

"Because if you didn't feel it, that means that there's a certain proximity to where this entity is to you." He reasoned, flipping through books.

"In other words, we were very close to the killer." You summed up as he hummed.

"So far, that's everything, I'll let you know if I find anything." You nodded and said your goodbyes as Johnny came out with a cherry-cola slushy and some Cheeto puffs.

"I, uh, I didn't know what you liked, so I got you what my mom used to get on road trips." Johnny awkwardly handed you the snacks and rubbed his neck.

"Oh! Also, here's your card back, I'm sorry that I didn't give it back right away, I kind of forgot until now." Johnny stood there with the card, trying to figure out how to give it back to you.

"Honey, keep the card, I really don't need it." You used your magic to open the door and sit in the passenger seat as Mavis was in the back, completely passed out due to a sugar rush.

"M- Y/n, that's a lot of money, I don't want to take advantage of you. Please take it back." he tried to give it back as you sat in the car and closed the door, using your magic to roll down the window in the rental.

"No means no, Jonathan. Besides, why would I need to pay for things in a world full of money when I can conjure things when I need them? I don't even need to eat, I just love food." You said, munching on the puffs as he looked at you in confusion.


"Boo!" He jumped out of the bushes as the ladies that were jogging 'awed' at him and kept running.

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