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"Honey bat, where are we going?" You laughed as Dracula pulled you further into the woods until you reached a slight clearing, "Are we on the other side of the beach?"

He pulled you in his arms as the clock struck 11, "I love you more than you would know,"

And the grass suddenly lit up, blue flowers glowing around them, "Oh, my love, this is gorgeous."

All the flowers bloomed, and he laid out a blanket to sit in the pasture, "Come here, I want to hold you. You make me feel warm."

You laid in his arms, and he snuggled into you, "This reminds me of when I was alive. The warmth. The smell."

He closed his eyes, burying his face in the crevice of your neck, listening to your breath and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. The blue mist from the flowers mixed, creating a purple mist.

He drifted deeper into slumber, before jolting awake, looking for his wife, "Darling?"

He turned around, hearing the sound of a child laughing, just to see a face he wasn't expecting, "Martha?"

She smiled, "Hi, I know you've missed me."

He laughed, pulling her close, "I have."

The laughs continued, as the sound waves mixed with people talking, "We can go home, honey."

He looked away from the path where the sounds were coming from as she moved his face so he would concentrate on her, "We can go home, be a family again. Just leave them behind."

A fuzzy feeling plagued his mind, "What? No, no, I love them. I'm not leaving them for you."

Words overcame him and responded, even though he had no idea where they were coming from, "My love, we can go back on your ship and never be tied down -"

"No! I will never leave my family ever again! Not for you, not for God, not for the devil himself." He pushed her off of him as purple mist surrounded Martha.

"Fine. If that's how you feel, then let's see the consequences of your choices. I always get what I want." She disappeared in the mist.

Dracula ran down the path, looking for the talking when he stood in the middle of the crowd, "Dad,"

He turned to see Mavis, "How could you?"

"Mavis, honey, what happened?" Dracula walked towards he as she took a step back.

"Don't touch me." He turned to see Johnny who was walking with his wife.

"Johnny?" He reached out and Johnny slapped his hand away.

"I can't believe you." He turned to see his friends shake their heads in disapproval at him, slowly fading to black.

"Darling," He turned to see you sitting behind him with a baby in your hands, "don't you at least want to hold him?"

Dracula spat, "No, how am I supposed to continue my travels if you have a child now? This half-breed will not be accepted in either of our cultures."

'A memory?' He thought to himself, 'I don't remember any of this. I want to hold him, give me my baby back, please.' He pleaded as his physical form ranted.

Martha approached, sitting on the side, smiling, "They don't want you anymore, can't you see?"

He stood still, watching you hold the blonde baby in your arms, close to your chest, "They're abandoning you the way you abandoned them, but I'll always be there for you."

"I will always be the one you long for... the one you crawl back to. Just apologize and come back to me, sweetie." Martha tried to hold Dracula's face again, but he slapped her hands away.

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