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You and Vladimir reminisced, though he was still mourning what had and could've been. You lay in bed with him, only the thin sheets and each other's skin to keep warm, "I missed this."

He inhaled all of you, feeling whole for the first time in many millennia, "I missed you. All of you."

He kissed your neck and pulled you in by your waist, "I don't know how I've ever lived without you."

A deep feeling in the pit of your stomach made you feel warm and fuzzy, and each time was better than the last. 

"You complete me." He turned you around, his forehead connected with yours, sending fire through your veins.

For the first time in a long time, he could feel warmth. Staring into your soul, he gently kissed your cheeks, moving to your lips as he held you closer.


The ride to the casino was long, but you didn't mind. You spent very much-needed quality time catching up with each other. 

He laid on your chest, face down as you played with his hair. Groaning, he muttered, "I wish we had stayed at the hotel."

You smiled, "If we did, you would have never remembered me."

He buried himself deeper, "That's true." He kissed your chest, "I'm glad I followed."

You slowly stood up, heading to the showers before getting dressed. Dracula was back to his clingy... no... possessive self. And you wouldn't have it any other way.

Your black pantsuit fit you well and matched Dracula's clothing. It was a wonder the twins even watched over the clothing line at all, seeing as they would leave their casino unattended.

Then again, creating and wearing luxury brands while having a rapid increase of customers due to tourism was basically free money with a side of clothes and accessories. 

As soon as the boat docked, people flooded off the boat, confused as to where the next place was when Ericka announced where they were.

"Welcome to the Lost City of Atlantis!" Large towers and buildings rose from the now rushing waters.

The people gawked at the tall structures that protruded from deep sea, "woah!"

Dennis and Johnny exclaimed, looking at the casino as Frank and many other passengers flooded the casino.

Loud pop music flooded the check-ins and slot machines and simple games. Dim lights that changed occasionally made it hard to concentrate.

However, you weren't a gambler, but you liked playing normal games. You took the kids to the children's play park with Johnny as the rest of the adults.

Ericka finished docking the ship as her crew started cleaning up before having the rest of the day to themselves. She went to the base of the ship to inform her great-grandfather that she would be leaving to enjoy some time off the ship.

Opening the hatch door carefully, she entered, seeing her grandfather sitting at the counter. Many books and scrolls were laid out, "Oh! Ericka! Look what I found!"

Ericka's shoes clicked against the cold tile floor. The dimly lit basement barely showed what he was reading, "What's that?"

She pointed at the picture on the page, "Oh! This is a relic that was in your friends family for many years. It says it right here, but you can't read latin."

He tears a photo from the book, "This map is for a secret cave near here. I'm sure she would be thrilled to get it back."

Ericka picked up the map, staring at it, "I'm sure she would love to get this back. It is her anniversary, after all."

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