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Johnny was walking back with Dracula, looking out of the castle, and seeing the cottage in the distance, he had heard of Lady Lubov, but never thought that version was true, especially considering that he could hear the screams of sorrow echo through the mountain.

Johnny thought about his words for a moment, "Should we check up on her? I have a feeling that she needs support."

He looked at Drac, who was confused, "What for?"

"You could see it on her face," he looked back out the window as it started to rain, "this triggered whatever trauma she has."

A feeling stirred through the vampire, making him very uncomfortable, "Go check up on her first, I'm going to make her something to eat."

The count walked off, leaving the young man alone to walk. Hearing the story about Dracula's first wife, Mavis's mother, really hit him.

A young woman, married to a count, dying shortly after giving birth, though Johnny had heard it differently than what Dracula remembered.

A young witch married to a vampire, being burned in her house to pay for her sins and blasphemy, not caring if she was with a vampire because they didn't believe in them. She had bewitched many men into leaving their wives, but it was the final straw when she took the count from the blessing of Romania.

The Blessing was a woman who appeared from nowhere and continued to help the people. Through healing and friendship, she built her way into the heart of the community, but especially the count.

Your magic opened the door after Johnny knocked on it, closing it behind him, Johnny continued to follow it when it came back to you.

You were looking through photographs when Johnny sat down next to you, "Y/n?"

You didn't look at him, "I'm sorry that happened to you."

He looked at the portrait of you and a young man hanging on the wall, "I'm sorry too."

You looked at him, "What?" Johnny looked you in the eyes, "You didn't deserve any of that."

You sighed, "You... are too kind. Too naïve."

He shook his head, "You are too forgiving, I mean, how could you continue loving a man who chose another woman? After all that?"

You gave a sad chuckle, "It's not entirely his fault, he doesn't remember me."

Johnny stared at you as the sketchbook showed your memories, now animated by magic, "Martha was a witch who was exiled from her home, but not a vampire. Vampires do not need to make deals with demons for magic, or potions, only humans."

You breathed in deeply, "I had found that kingdom and blessed it, gaining their trust when I met him." It shows the silhouette of a young woman meeting a man.

"Vladimir." He bowed, kissing the lady's hand, "Since that day we became inseparable." It showed various memories of the two of you, "We had never wanted another."

Johnny scooted forward as your magic brought him a mug, "So when his soul mate appeared, he left you... Unless... you are his zing." His eyes opened in realization.

The scene shifted, "when that witch appeared." You seethed as the other woman appeared, "She was devastated that he wouldn't leave me, so she came up with another alternative."

It showed the other woman opening an assortment of books and dropping different ingredients into a cauldron, "A hex strong enough to damage an array of people, affecting bloodline after bloodline. Through this jealousy, vampirism was created."

"A curse created by a witch who didn't understand magic thoroughly enough to know that with each incantation there is a price." The book changed to see the other woman giving him a vial, "She knew what I was, yet did not fear me, nor my power, but envied it. So, she disguised the vial as an immortality potion."

"An elixir that would let him live forever," It showed them living through many decades, "with me," It showed the man drinking it, "So he consumed his death and changed into something powerful," it showed him morphing into his vampire form, "something unknown," he cried in agony and mourning for what he had become, "something forbidden," It showed the vampire feasting on his family, changing them as well.

"But because that wasn't enough for her," It showed her activating the last part of the hex, "she decided she needed to work with a clean slate, creating the fairytale life she wanted with the man she couldn't have."

It showed their false meeting, them getting married and having Mavis, "She gave birth to a child that should've been mine, living my life."

Johnny watched as the townspeople gathered at town hall, "So the rumors of her seducing men- "

"Were true, no matter how Dracula tries to save her reputation. She was a doxy." You watched the people converse, "She deserved the death she got, it was very fitting," You watched the scene change, smiling slightly as it showed the original woman starting a fire in the home while the townspeople approached the castle.

The fireplace turned eerie, as the shadow show ended, "I've never regretted setting the fire, even after meeting Mavis." You smile recalling the memory of appearing in the room after Dracula left the room.

You couldn't let a work of art go uncredited, especially when you saw the look on her face, her realizing that you had just ripped everything from her fingertips with such ease, reminding her how fragile human lives really are.

"I savored the screams she let out as she burnt to death." Johnny looked at you, but not in surprise, this time, it was understanding.

"So, when you smelt my skin burning, you thought of her." Johnny thought out loud.

You nodded, "You don't deserve an end like that. You deserve to live a long happy life with someone who cares about you. If you're worried about my relationship with Mavis, I've already come to terms with her relation to her mother, but it's comforting to know that I would be chosen over her birth mother by Mavis."

You finished sewing the corset, which happened to be the final piece to the dress for Mavis, "head inside the hotel. The party starts in a few hours, and I can sense Dracula at the door. Thankfully he hadn't heard this conversation."

Johnny nodded, standing up, "If it means anything, I think you're an amazing mother, I wish I could've had a mother like you... and don't worry, I won't tell Dracula."

You stood up and kissed his forehead, handing him a blood quartz pendant, "Thank you, sweetheart. Summon me whenever you need me."

He nodded, exiting the building with a newfound sense of clarity, seeing blue magic lead towards the cottage he walked faster to the inside of the building, knowing whatever happened inside had nothing to do with him.

Johnny had already done more than enough to help you, all you needed was space to heal.

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