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You had never been so glad to be back at the hotel. Sleeping in with your husband without a care in the world.

Taking care of things outside of your regular line of work was miserable. Explaining to your parents why two of your siblings were missing. Going to God as he needed you to sign paperwork, then finding a psychologist to work at the hotel for those guests who were on the cruise and were also tormented.

"My love," you could feel the vibrations of Vladimir's deep voice on your back, "turn to me. I want to see my gorgeous wide in the morning sun."

You turned, keeping tour eyes closed as your unclothed bodies pressed against each other.

He had craved your existence so much for so long that he couldn't think straight around you. Being away from you for so many years without being in the right state of mind, he felt as if he was dropped from the sky straight in his head with amnesia.

Sure, it was weird suddenly remembering everything. He would also need to work on how he viewed Mavis.

Mavis wad the spitting image of her mother. The woman manipulated him, cursing him and forcing him to have a half breed child. A child she planned to leave him with while he 'yearned'for Martha.
Mavis would have to be told eventually, but it wouldn't be now. It was much too soon, and you refused to open that barrel of monkeys before Dracula started to love her fully again.

Johnny and Drnnis were in therapy, helping their PTSD... again... their therapist was getting paid a lot.

And you?

You were content with just having your husband and family around.

It might sound silly, especially since this was a man that you had murdered for and wanted to be with since the very first day that you had ever met.


You and Vladimir met on an island.

You were taking a very needed vacation, alone, and he was exploring.

At the time, Vladimir was the captain of a ship, one that sailed many seas to deliver goods and explore new places as well.

His ship had sailed towards the Bermuda Triangle, stopping at the first island they saw when the sea got too rough and wanted to explore with a lantern.

They docked on the opposite side. The crew was much too frightened to explore an unknown island at night, but not Vladimir.

He walked in the darkness with his lamp, making his way through the thick wood.

And when he saw the blue glow from across the way, he was not frightened but curious.

So he went to explore what it was, just to see a woman swimming alone by the well lit shore.

To his surprise, the light was blue flowers that grew wildly along that side of the cove, creating just enough light for you to see anything by shore.

Not wanting to startle you, he turned back, deciding that his adventuring wasn't worth traumatizing a young woman.

Until he felt a funny feeling in his stomach.

You had felt his soul, the connection you had. It was too close to be a ship.

Which means he had to be on land.

You turned around, standing to your full height as the cold wind blew, giving you goosebumps.

You started walking back to shore when he started looking around, then landed on your figure.

Daybreak had just started to peak over the horizon the way you had piqued his interest.

He stood there, watching the sun rise behind you as you approached him.

All he could think was, 'What a beautiful figure.'

When you got close enough on shore, he made his way down, trying his best not to look silly when walking on the sand in his boots.

He bowed, "Hello, my dear lady."

His thick accent made it easy for you to locate where he was from, "Hello, sir."

His back bent upwards as he looked at you in surprise as you spoke his native tongue, "Are you from Romania as well?" Responding in the same language.

You shook your head, "just a well traveled person. You would not know where I am from."

He looked you in the eyes for the first time, your breath got caught in your throat, and you stared at him, knowing this was the one you had been waiting for.

"Come with me."


You had never been separated since then.

Of course, it was hard explaining it to the crew, but did Vladimir care?


He just wanted you.

He took you to a small island along the Bermuda, one that you had been staying at for several nights.

You said goodbye to many friends and packed up, boarding the boat and sailing off to wherever came next.


He pulled you in further, "darling... please let me look you in the eyes." He was close to begging, just wanting to see you.

"I'm sorry, darling. I don't feel too well..." You were breathing heavily, trying not to vomit.

"I hope you didn't catch what I had." He muttered to himself, feeling your back and anywhere else he felt like.

"There's no way that I could've caught this from you." You chuckled, your eyes still closed.

"Are you sure? Because -"

You opened your eyes, the sun hitting you in a certain way that triggered his memories. The way the sun hit you plus a glow he had only remembered in his dreams. He held the back of your head, touching foreheads as you giggled. He looked back at you, seeing the sun hit your eyes in a way that could only be described as magical

Pulling you in closer, he let out a deep, hearty chuckle, "You're pregnant."

You nodded, which made him pull you in by your waist, kissing you deeply. His forehead touched yours again, and his deep voice lingered in the air, "I wouldn't want it any other way."


Status: Unedited

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