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"I don't get why you're doing all of this for her. She wouldn't do the same for you." Gabriel floated around Manakel in the angel archives, who was there looking for more answers.

"Because she would. She loves me." Manakel placed more scrolls in the satchel as he glanced at his friend.

"I'm going to ask God to be human when we ask to redeem Y/n." He turned as Gabriel screeched.

"Why? Why would you give up divinity for her?" Gabriel went to his friend who only smiled at him.

"The only way for us to be together is if I'm human as well, then we can live together, die together, and be in heaven." He sighed, thinking about the life they would have.

"Has she even agreed to this?" Gabriel asked his friend, worried for his well-being.

"She was the one who asked me about redemption. I don't know if God would do it,

I just know he can."


"It only took about three days to put this together." Manakel rubbed his head as he explained the situation he thought was happening.

"When Michael -" You gave him a look, "Archangel exiled Hecate. She could somehow contact Leviathan, who's now doing her bidding. I assume that as soon as he gets enough power, he can influence a human into unleashing her."

You nodded as he sat down next to you, explaining his theory and how it would work as you looked through the papers he wrote by hand, "All you need to do is banish them to Tartus in your Celestial form, then you'll be free."

You sat there, nodding, "I don't want to hurt my siblings, even if they don't care for me."

"You have to if you want to live happily without Martha interfering... tell you what." He laid his hand on your knee.

"I will help you with this, but then we talk to God about redeeming you. Together." He smiled as you looked him in the eyes.

"That's possible?" Fear soon flooded your mind, scared of rejection.

"I'm not sure, but we can try. If it's not possible, I'll ask to remove my wings, and we can become human. We can live the life you've always wanted." He was happier with every word, thinking about living by the sea, or the mountains, anywhere as long as you were there.

"What about you? What do you want?" You were worried about the blonde.

"I just want to spend the rest of my days with you. Happy. We can start that big family you've always wanted." He kissed your cheeks.

"So... we banish those two... then we meet God?" He nodded, confirming what you said.

"Then let's get this started."


"First, a celestial sword with a silver blade. Mine will have to be adjusted to have a gold handle so you don't get hurt." Manakel's voice rang through your head as you watched him play with Dennis.

His party would be next Wednesday, and you had a feeling it needed to be done by then.

You didn't notice Dracula approach Manakel as Dennis left to the garden to get you and your angel friend more pomegranates and oranges, "Why are you here, angel?"

Manakel side eyed Dracula and laughed, "To take care of Y/n. Why else?"

Dracula scoffed, "Well, I'm here, and I'm her husband, so you're free to go now."

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