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White. A White Wedding.

That's all you wanted, and now you did. Dracula was standing at the alter, his friends (Frank, Murray, Griffin, and Wayne) next to him as well.

Mavis wearing a light colored dress that matched everyone else, but was standing on your side. La Muerte would officiate, then disappear to the back of the line as a bridesmaid.

Xibalba stood next to you, wearing the same color tux as the girl's dresses. He would walk you down the isle, then stand next to Mavis. He was close to crying, he's never been so happy. Watching his best friend get married to the love of her life, her soulmate.

He was willing to give up his marriage for your life.

And he would do it again.

The music started playing and he held his arm out, "are you ready?"

You smiled, "as ready as I'll ever be."

Xibalba pulled you closer, fixing your veil with his freehand, "You look stunning."

You smiled, "thank you Xibalba, for everything," you kissed his cheek and the doors started opening.

You both walked down the isle, the photographer was taking photos as you walked down the isle and Blobby was recording. You smiled at him, looking back at everyone who cared for you.

Mavis was so happy, her cheeks hurt from smiling. Her dad deserved to be happy. He deserved Y/n. They were made for each other. She looked at her dad, seeing the lovestruck expression on his face.

She knew that he was falling for you, even if he wouldn't admit it for a while.

Once you got to the altar, Xibalba helped you up, hissing your hand before standing next to Mavis. His lips quivered as La Muerte started the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here tonight to join this wonderful man and this beautiful, amazing woman in matrimony." La Muerte smiled at the couple as Dracula leaned closer.

"You look gorgeous." He whispered in your ears.

You smiled, "Thank you, you're breath-taking."

He smiled at your complement as La Muerte kept going, "Count Dracula, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

He smiled holding your hands closer, "I do."

La Muerte smiled, seeing the way he looked at you, "Y/n of the Inferno, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

You squeezed his hands, "I do."

La Muerte smiled clapping, "the rings please!"

One of the wolf pups, you weren't sure who, but she wore a pink dress, "thank you."

She smiled walking back to her mother and her brothers, La Muerte's magic made the fairy lights glow, "the vows."

Dracula recounted their special vows, though couldn't recount how he knew them, "I, Count Dracula, take my darling Y/n, to be my wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to cherish and to love, 'till death do us part. For you fill my soul and become part of my whole. You are mine, and I am yours."

Your eyes widened in recognition, "I, Y/n of the Inferno, take my love Dracula, to be my husband. To have and to hold from this day forwards, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to cherish and to love, 'till death do us part. For you fill my soul and become part of my whole. You are mine, and I am yours."

"I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love. For you are my light in the darkness, you are my candle." Dracula picked up the ring, noticing there wasn't one for him.

You unclipped the ring from your necklace and his head started to hurt again, "I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love. For you douse the fire and quench my thirst, you are my wine." You slipped the ring on his finger.

Dracula didn't know how he had the ring, or how you had a ring that held his house crest, or why they both fit perfectly. He just knew that you two were meant to be.


You sat with Dracula and Mavis as they continued to take pictures and Blobby kept videoing. You had cut the cake and had a zombie get Xibalba a tissue box... maybe two. He couldn't stop crying after the wedding ceremony happened.

You had patched each other up before getting ready. You got lucky an assistant could bring up your wedding dress. You had created your dream wedding dress a while ago and it still fit perfectly. You held an ice pack on Dracula's thigh, since he refused to do it himself.

When the Bogeyman threw him into the forest he pulled his hamstring, he couldn't remember how, but it happened then. He didn't want to take care of himself, and of course you knew why, so you did it for him.

You patched him up, disinfected his cuts, and tried to heal him to the best of your abilities. In return he helped you, though the dress protected a lot of your body.

The photographer asked for a picture of you and Dracula feeding each other, which you both complied. You were feeding each other deserts and cracking jokes. You couldn't wait to start a new scrap book with all of these pictures.

Mavis was admiring her new mother, well... almost mother. She stood up, quickly walking to Frank. There was something she needed to do.

"So, you have it?" Frank turned, "Oh, yeah, yeah, give me a moment."

He patted his pockets before tapping his wife's shoulder, "Do you have it?"

She smiled, "Of course I have it! Do ya really think I'd let ya have something as important as this?"

"And remember! I want to be friends with Y/n too! So put in a good word for ya Auntie Eunice." She smiled, handing Mavis the folder, kissing her cheek.

Mavis walked over, tapping her father's shoulder, "I know I should've talked about this with you, but I think this would be a great wedding gift."

Dracula looked through the folder's content, "Are you sure? This is a big thing..."

She nodded, "Auntie Eunice took care of all of the legal work, she really wants this to work out."

Dracula sighed, 'Of course. Eunice loves the clothes Y/n designs, especially how inclusive they are.'

Dracula turned to you, seeing you laugh at Xibalba getting another tissue box, "Y/n?"

You turned to him, "yes?"

"I was thinking about us... now that we're married... maybe you should just read this." He handed you a folder.

You accepted the folder, opening it to see the papers. The first words that stood out to you was 'ADOPTION'. You almost cried then and there. He didn't just marry you, they wanted you to be a part of their family.

"Really?" He nodded, holding your hand, "It was Mavis's idea."

You smiled, kissing him again, "does anyone have a pen?"

Eunice yelled, "I do! I have a pen! Excuse me, excuse me, Here ya go!"

You smiled, accepting her pen, "Thank you, Eunice."

"She knows me! Ya hear that Frank? She knows my name!" Eunice went back to her seat, very giggly.

You signed the papers, handing them to Dracula, "thank you."

Dracula smiled leaning in, "no, thank you."


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