Laying Low & Showdown

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The quartet were on the road. Steve was driving, Natasha fell asleep in the passenger seat, while Aaron was in the back seat with an unconscious Bobbi, whose head was on his lap.

Aaron was still in shock after what he found out from Zola. Not only was HYDRA still active after World War II, but they want to turn him into a weapon, which meant only one thing...

HYDRA knows that he's The Flash.

Steve noticed how deep in thought Aaron was and decided to check on him.

Steve: You okay?

Aaron: Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine.

Steve knew he was lying, but decided not to say anything about it.

Aaron: Oh, who the hell am I kidding? No, I'm not fine. a Nazi organization that everyone thought was dead turned out to be alive this whole time, they've been reeking havoc for 70 years, and now they want to turn me into a weapon, which only means one thing.

Steve: ...They know about you being The Flash?

Aaron: Zola wouldn't have called me a candidate to anything if they didn't.

Steve: (sighs) I'm not gonna let that happen. If they want you, they'll have to go through me.

Aaron: (nods) Appreciate it.

Silence filled the car before Steve decided to break it.

Steve: Can I ask you something?

Aaron: Shoot.

Steve: I know you don't like me visiting Peggy ever since I found out she was still alive, can you tell me why?

Aaron: (wide-eyed) How'd you...?

Steve: It was pretty obvious.

Aaron: (sighs) I guess I just didn't like seeing my friend stay stuck in the past. Look, I get it, you love Peggy, I bet you were over the moon when you found out she was still alive, but...when you told she had dementia, and that she forgets what happened every few minutes, it hurt me. You're my friend, Cap, and seeing you put yourself through that everyday kind of hurt me. I just never just said anything about it because...

Steve: Because what?

Aaron: ...Because I knew that if I was in your shoes, I'd do the exact same thing.

Steve: (nods) Thank you for understanding.

Aaron: (nods) Can I ask you something?

Steve: Sure.

Aaron: If you have a chance to take it all back, live a life with Peggy, grow old, have a family of your own, would you take it?

Steve: ...Yeah. I'd take it.

Aaron: (nods) Okay.

Silence formed again before Aaron broke it.

Aaron: Where are we headed?

Steve: We'll lay low with friend of ours.

Aaron knew who he was talking about.

Aaron: Yeah, that's a good idea. We can trust him...You wanna switch out? You've been driving for a while.

Steve: No, I got it. We're almost there anyway.

Aaron nods before he noticed Bobbi stirring awake.

Bobbi open her eyes and notices the smudges on Aaron's face.

Bobbi: (groggily) (sighs) Crap...I thought it was just a nightmare.

𝙍𝙪𝙣 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙄 (𝙈𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙊𝘾)Where stories live. Discover now