Fallout II

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A few hours after the airport battle, Tony had taken Rhodey to a hospital. Even though Rhodey insisted that he wasn't hurt so bad, Tony insisted that he get checked on just in case.

According to the doctors, apart from the cuts and bruises that Rhodey received, he's okay.

Tony and Natasha were standing on a balcony as Tony told her that Rhodey's fine.

Natasha: Steve's not gonna stop. If you don't, what almost happened to Rhodey would be the best case scenario.

Tony: You get them go, Nat. You and Gwen.

Natasha: We played this wrong.

Tony: "We?" (scoffs) It must be hard off the double agent thing, huh? Sticks with the DNA. Passes on to the closest impressionable youth.

Natasha: Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?

Tony: ...T'Challa told Ross what you did, so...They're coming for you.

Natasha: I'm not the one who needs to watch their back.

She walks away from Tony as he just looks out.

???: Stark.

He turned to see Gwen walking towards him.

Tony: Gwen, I-

Gwen: Save it.

Tony was taken aback by Gwen interrupting him.

Gwen: You know what you are? A hypocritical, back-stabbing, manipulative man-child. And thanks to you, the only thing capable enough to protect the Earth is gone. You did nothing but destroy everything that's good in this world, and that's all you'll ever do.

Tony: Look-

Gwen: Shut the fuck up, Stark! I'm not done! (takes a deep breath) Now, here's what's gonna happen: I'm gonna head back to LA and protect it with everything I have and more, since The Flash can't do it anymore. But I swear to every single higher power that has ever existed, if I ever hear so much as a rumor that you have set a single foot in Californian soil, I will make the shit you went through in Afghanistan 8 years ago look like a fucking pillow fight, you understand?!

Tony: (sighs, then nods) Yeah.

Gwen: Good. Feel free to do whatever you want with my identity, but just know, every drop of blood that anyone in the world drops from here on out will be on your hands, and your hands only.

Gwen walks away from Tony, who simply looks outside as he thought about what to do.

He has already screwed up with Aaron, and now The Flash is gone.

He couldn't let the same happen to the Ghost Spider.

So he decided to safeguard Gwen's identity.

Just then, his watch pinged. He tapped it twice and saw a picture of a man dead in a bathtub.

Tony: What am I looking at, FRIDAY?

FRIDAY: Priority upload from Berlin police.

Tony looked at the picture as he slowly realized something.

Tony looked at the picture as he slowly realized something

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