Wingless 16+

702 20 1

(Warning! Some strong, sadist and bloody content will be there)

Darkwing was quiet on the backway, more than anytime before. That made Soundwave nervous. He knew the femme better than anybody, and her silence never was good. Megatron's and Skyquake's death got her in her spark chamber.

They reached the deck of the Nemesis and changed back to their biped form. Darkwing still didn't say anything, just looked at her peds, while walked away. The mech wanted to talk with her. He wanted to tell her the good news about Megatron, to tell her everything will be alright... But he can't. He wanted to use his voice, just one more time.

But his vow of silence stopped him. He did it by his own will, and if he would break it for a simple comforting moment, all of his efforts would be for nothing.

" I go back to my berthroom if you need me. "

Darkwing crossed her arms in front of herself, and fully lowered her wings. Soundwave watched her under his visor. He only saw Darkwing with her wings fully down, right before the war. It meant that she was hopeless.

He can't take any more of her sorrow. Soundwave caught up to her and grabbed one of her upper wing plates.

"Soundwave? "

She looked at him with a little bit of surprise. The mech used this to do what he wanted from the day she arrived back at the mothership.

Soundwave hugged her tightly. His servos kept her in a strong grip, his tentacles run all around her frame. He gave his every emotion in this movement. His happiness for her company, his sadness for almost losing their Lord, his frustration about the Decepticon's state. He gave everything into that hug, what he had.

Darkwing's first surprise turned into something else, which he doesn't know where to put. The femme hugged him back finally, her servos grasped his waist with all her power.

They stood there for a while, hugging each other with feelings, that just the two of them could understand. Darkwing almost shoved her head into Soundwave's chest. The mech felt something dripping down on his frame, and when he looked down he saw Darkwing fighting with her tears.

Soundwave let her go in the moment, with the fear that he hurt the femme. He didn't care when she cried over Skyquake's tomb, it was only an old tradition that the femmes followed back at Kaon. It was different from that.

" Don't worry, Soundwave... It's just... everything became a little too much. I'm sorry, I will never lose control again."

The mech silently hold up his servo and with one digit, cleaned down the blue liquid from her optics.

" TCCK... "need someone, who understands my feelings"... "I'm here"

" You're the best... But never tell that to Breakdown, he would be jealous."

Soundwave hugged her one more time, then took her hand into his digits, and pulled her after himself, down to the stomach of the Nemesis. He doesn't care if the low-ranked vehicons saw that, he wanted to show her that there is hope. Soundwave pulled her down the corridors until they were before the medbay.

He opened the door and turned his head towards the shocked femme. Her optics widened with happiness and hope with a little spark of disbelief.

" Lord Megatron... is alive? "

He let her servo slip out from his digits when the femme stepped closer to the wrecked body of their Lord. It was devastating to him to see Megatron in this state, but it was better than a dead warlord.

"So your sensors are don't faulty. He survived." Darkwing touched one cable that came out of her lord's torso. "And I thought that... Oh, for the Allspark, I disappointed our Lord with my lack of hope in him." The femme kneeled next to the medberth. " Lord Megatron, please forgive me..."

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