The real Shadow

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I want my begging Starscream with fries on the side in exchange for this chapter ;)

When the laugh burst out from Darkwing, Megatron had a feeling that he went too far this time.

The femme's wings spread to the side as a sign of awareness while her dermas made a sadistic smirk as she glanced at the warlord. Her sharp digits endlessly twitched, ready to slice up the warlord if she had a chance. Megatron looked into the optics of the femme, but he couldn't see Darkwing behind the red lenses anymore. No...

This bot before him was an always smiling, devil creature of Primus's core, the abomination of the night, and the real Shadow of Kaon.


The warlord narrowed his optics at the tone that could never leave her second in command's voicebox, but he kept his calm. He never let this femme influence his behavior with her unusual acts.

"Shadow. When was the last time when Darkwing let you out?"

The femme stepped closer to Megatron before she answered, and started to circle the mech like a predator its prey.

"Hmm... I think when we hunted those filthy Autobots. But don't worry, I watched everything from the back." The femme stopped her slow pace before the mech and bowed with a shade of disrespect. "What can I do for you this time, our greatest Master?"

The warlord cautiously watched her, as her every movement got interrupted by the endless giggle that trembled her frame.

"You know what I want. You tried to control Darkwing without her consent."

The femme sighed and shook her shoulder arrogantly.

"I just wanted to get out and talk with you." She walked past him again and sat up on the computer's keypad without caring about how many buttons she pushed in the process. "And my plan went through because we can finally have this conversation. I started to feel like you don't even like me, Lord Megatron."

The warlord pushed a button that deactivated the ship's cannon before he answered to the femme.

"You are unstable, crazy, and have absolutely zero self-control. Nobody likes you."

"Maybe. But you liked it when we killed thousands at your order."

Megatron allowed her this disrespecting attitude for now because he needed answers. He stepped further from Shadow.

"That's not important now. I want to know if you did something else to Darkwing without her consent."

Shadow started to laugh in a cold voice.

"Oh, did you really notice? How brilliant you are, Master... Well, we can say like this. I helped her out with smaller things."

"Like what?"

"When we protected you from Optimus. You let him too close, you know it? You became rusty."

"And when Starscream tortured her?"

"That wasn't my doing, she did that to herself. But I have to say, I really liked that. Our Energon on the medberth..." The femme lifted her right servo to her intake and bit the side of her digits. "Oh, how much I love its color... And the feeling..."

"Shadow..." The mech's tone was a warning sign before his anger.


"You had any doing in the connection between Darkwing and Soundwave?"

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