Breaking apart

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Darkwing sat on the rooftop and watched the Nemesis's shadow down on the earth, while they flew over a desolated place. The planet's environment amused her. The biomes, the animals... It was not like Cyberton, but it was good.

The femme was lost in the moment, thinking only about the warm surface of the ship below her, and enjoying the powers of the sun by spreading her wings to the side.

"Hey, Darky!" Someone shouted at her from behind, and as a response at the long heard but familiar voice, the little flier smiled.

"Breakdown?" Darkwing turned to the big blue mech. "You're here too, Big boy?"

Breakdown stepped closer to her with a smile on his face.

"Knockout told me that you came back. Where were you?"

"If I tell you, I will have to take out your Spark." Darkwing giggled while stood up in an attacking position. "But maybe I will do that without telling you anything."

Breakdown laughed at her.

"Really? Let's try then."

He changed his servos into hammers, and without a second thought, charged at her.

It was their little play every time they met, a practice fight to keep themselves in shape and show new movements to the other.

Breakdown ran towards her with giant steps, striking with his right hammer. But Darkwing easily avoided that, by jumping up, and kicking him in the face. Then, she retreated into the further distance.

"Ugh! You..." The mech got dizzy from the kick.

"What is, Breakdown? Maybe you became slow?" The femme chuckled again.

Darkwing's digits formed into claws, and she attacked faster than Breakdown can react. She scratched his legs, and when the mech tried to hit her again, she simply dodged to the side. Then she tore another mark on his left servo.

Breakdown started fuming over this and launched a projectile at her. Darkwing dodged it again, but she made a mistake. She took off her optics from Breakdown. The next thing she felt, was a hit on her head, and the femme fell to the ground with a loud crash.

"Maybe you. I became better." Breakdown lifted his chin, proudly to his winner move.

The femme touched her helm with the world spinning around her.

"Ugh... that was a bad move."


"Cause I held it back until now."

Darkwing smiled and pushed herself onto her servos and legs, but didn't stand up. She stayed on four and looked up at Breakdown's surprised face.

"What are you doing?" He asked confusedly.

Darkwing attacked him without an answer. She ran toward him, and when he tried to hit her again, she slipped through his legs, and with one jump on his back, the femme grabbed his helm from behind.

"Do you yield?" Darkwing clawlike digits poked Breakdown's neck cables. "Or should I make you one head smaller?"

"I yield, I yield!" Breakdown changed his hammer back to his servos and lifted them as a surrender.

"Good." The femme jumped down from his enemy and smiled at him innocently. "That was a good fight. We should do this more often."

Breakdown shook his head slowly with disbelief, but chuckled in a low voice.

"Where do you get this weird technic?"

"Oh, that? I just improvised, power of the surprise. But it felt good. So, what's up?"

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